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not working

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    not working

    Hi! First trip here. I am on DAY #7 of following all directions except the Topomax and the ALLONE powder. I have ordered the powder but still have not received. I have seen two of my docs and neither will perscribe the Topomax because they are not aware of it being used for this. I am on the higher dose of all the vitamins and I just don't feel like this is working. I am still drinking every night. I don't know if the hynotherapy is working for me. I know it is only Day 7. Any ideas? :new:

    not working

    Hey there
    When you say you are on the higher dose of all the vitamins, do you also mean you are taking the l-glut, gabba and amino acids? How much of each, if you dont mind my asking?
    Also, when you listen to the CDs, are you in a quiet place where you can really concentrate on them? Which ones are you listening to?
    Over 4 months AF :h


      not working

      I have found that none of this is a magic cure. It has to be something you really, really want as well. You have to want to be free of your drinking lifestyle that is bringing you down. I have found that this program aids me in that process, particularly the Kudzu, l-glut and the CDs. The Kudzu and l-glutamine are a great craving buster for me in the afternoon. If you are not doing that, that might be a good thing to add.
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        not working

        I am taking 900 mg of the Kudzu, 1500 of the lglut, 750 gabba and 3000 amini acids. I am listening to the better moms cd. Yes, I do try to be in a quiet place but I do find myself "wandering" to outside sounds, dog panting, etc., etc. I am following all the recommended vitamins and are taking the higher end dosage.


          not working

          Hi and welcome. Topamax was the key for me.
          Gabby :flower:


            not working

            are you trying to quit or moderate? If you want to quit ask your doctor for Campral or Naltrexone- or both- the combo really seems to help- there's a study on this site in the research section about it. Also, both of these drugs are specifically to quit drinking so there would no reason why he wouldn't give them to you. Good luck!
            Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


              not working

              I think maybe you could be taking more of the supps....
              I was taking 3000 mg of the Kudzu, 3000mg of the lglut, 750 gabba and 3000 amini acids. I think that is what is recommended. If you up it a bit, you might notice a difference, particularly in the l-glut and kudzu. Also the time of day you take it is important. Take the L-Glut in three separate doses - 1000 mg ni the morning first thing, 1000 mg at lunch and 1000 mg in early evening. Then take the kudzu in three divided doses, at the same times as the L-Glut.
              Hope that helps!
              Over 4 months AF :h


                not working


                to minimize distraction, try headphones with noise cancellation with the hypno cds, aside from subliminal which is just in the background anyway.


                  not working

                  Helpmeout, you are here and posting so it is a great start.

                  There is a report to take to doctors who do not know about the great affects of topamax. I am not sure of the name but am sure someone else here who has tried topa will know. Anyone remember the name of it?


