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Do we all feel more than most?

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    Do we all feel more than most?

    Hiya, yes me too, I seem to feel others inner pain, physical pain can be dealt with but oh wow those inner hurts. My real downfall is animal abuse though, can't stop thinking about it.

    Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


      Do we all feel more than most?

      Ditto to almost all above posts.
      Enough is enough


        Do we all feel more than most?

        I have to say I do hate myself sometimes. There are people out there who do not get the basics in life, like food and water.....and here I am spending ?70+ per week on ciggarrettes and alcohol.

        Sorry to be distasteful but that money spent, is either down the toilet or up in smoke.


          Do we all feel more than most?

          Lucky, good point about being vegetarians... I used to be, not anymore but don't eat too much meat and what I do I get as much free-range, ethically raised etc as possible (yes, I know, they still get killed). Never touch veal or lamb.I'm in the food business so these issues surround me.

          But hey - at least I don't eat duck!!


            Do we all feel more than most?

            Me too on the feeling other peoples pain. Music also gets to me. When I was little my mother told me she would play certain types of music and I would cry my eyes out. When I saw "Titanic", the music in that show made me cry months after when they would play it on the radio. If I heard the theme song right now, I am sure I would cry. My kids still laugh about it. Other music affects me like that too. I also am careful about watching the news, too much to handle sometimes. I feel mostly the pain of those I love....and I have to fix it somehow.


              Do we all feel more than most?

              I have always been a real softy. And then I noticed that when I reduced my alcohol intake I was a real crying fool for quite awhile. I still catch myself from time to time with tears welling up for things that seem so small. Good question Kitty, maybe we learn to drown out some of the sadness we feel.
              Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                Do we all feel more than most?

                teetotolars tend to alzheimers


                  Do we all feel more than most?

                  oh was a vegetarian for 15 yrs..have rarely eaten red I am a mediterranean = vegetarian+small dairy+seafood

                  I get very sick now if I eat red meat

                  I was a vegan + cheese during my first pregnancy & now my yoga son is one..I am proud of that & he is happy of it

