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Army thread late Saturday morning

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    Army thread late Saturday morning

    Morning Army and others!!!!!!!!!!!

    Am I here all by my lonesome?

    Or has Satz posted first by a millisecond again?

    Hope all of you are out enjoying yourselves!

    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!

    Army thread late Saturday morning

    Good morning Dreamy and all to come

    Iz here, but heading off to the madhouse soon for late shift

    Did try to get on earlier this morn but kept getting 'database error', when finally did get on I see the spammers have been having a wee party to themselves. How many times do we need to report them before they get the boot?

    Have ye heard from MrT/Tips, Dreamy? Do hope he's ok xx And how's Mr Nice/Lobster man lately?

    Elsie- great to see ye back

    Roxy- how's the earache this morn? Nothing as bad- hope ye have got some relief xx

    Satz- how's things in chez Satz? Did yer daughter go see about her arm?

    Molls- hope yer having a good day at work and the oul wan yer on with aint too mad!

    Foxy- please shout in and tell us how you are:l

    Looking forward to the Jacks wan coming back too.

    Have a great day folks, maybe see yis later xx


      Army thread late Saturday morning

      Morning Reg :waving:


        Army thread late Saturday morning

        Reggie;1694042 wrote: Hey sweets
        Hoping you woke up on the right side of ya bed
        Ya a darling girl insert hugg thingo
        :H Yeah Reg, on the right side this morn. Off to be nice to some patients now with my happy-head on

        Hope ye are keeping well?

        mollyka;1694044 wrote:
        Morning- at work- lunacy- later;-)
        :H Oh dear, Molls! Don't know what else to say Roll on knock-off time?

        Off I go folks, see yis xxx


          Army thread late Saturday morning

          :waving: Sweetiepeapie and Reggggggggggs

          Coffee on your erm coffee table, Regs. As ordered. Very strong, very black, very hot. Bitter.

          Sweets, I PMd Tips some time ago, but had no response. I also don't want to bother him if he doesn't want to be bothered. He'll be back when he's ready, I trust. But I really do miss him. Mr Extremely Very Nice is still extremely very nice. Sweetest Puppy and Giada the jade-eyed cat agree, and they're never wrong! Hope it's a quiet day for you in the workhouse. Hugs!
          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


            Army thread late Saturday morning

            And morning Molly! Co-worker lunacy or book-borrowing people lunacy?
            14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


              Army thread late Saturday morning

              Reggie;1694045 wrote: Molls would imagining you are in controll of a m 16 rifle help :H with ya work mates that is ?
              Feck secks Reg- don't go giving her ideas!

              DreamThinkDo;1694049 wrote:
              :waving: Sweetiepeapie and Reggggggggggs

              Coffee on your erm coffee table, Regs. As ordered. Very strong, very black, very hot. Bitter.

              Sweets, I PMd Tips some time ago, but had no response. I also don't want to bother him if he doesn't want to be bothered. He'll be back when he's ready, I trust. But I really do miss him. Mr Extremely Very Nice is still extremely very nice. Sweetest Puppy and Giada the jade-eyed cat agree, and they're never wrong! Hope it's a quiet day for you in the workhouse. Hugs!
              Yeah, understand ye don't wanna bother him. Will just send out good thoughts to him methinks xx

              MrNice been promoted to Extremely Very Nice??? Great Dreamy Very happy for you xxx

              Wish could stay and banter all day but alas really must get going ((


                Army thread late Saturday morning

                Late check-in.
                Lots to do today - next one of them being a 'Garden Party' in my SILs - FFS !!!
                in the rain by the looks of it.
                I am going - showing my face for an hour or two and home.
                Anyone doesn't like that - can stay and get pissed &drive home themselves ....

                I have a pain in my arse with going to STUPID things that are in-law based and I know very few ......
                The End


                  Army thread late Saturday morning

                  Good day, Army!!!
                  I was waiting around for you all morning!! Then I got busy with chores, was dying for a coffee, came back and look!! Dreamy with delicious coffee.. Mmmmm. I'm having mine iced even though it's cold as heck outside. Thanks, Dreamy! and by the way, seems like I missed something while I was away--who is Mr. Extremely Very Nice? Sounds great..

                  Anyone doesn't like that - can stay and get pissed &drive home themselves ....l ove this, Satz!! I've laughed so hard last night reading the group poem you're all doing. How fun! I wanted to add on, but didn't have a clue as to what I could after Jane's last line!:H

                  Hi Sweetpea! Hi Reggie! Hi Molly--strength to you, dealing with the loonies..
                  Hope your earache is gone, Roxy!
                  Ok, off for a short walk and then a nap. see you all later!


                    Army thread late Saturday morning

                    Satz, arrive fashionable late, leave unfashionable early, the stayer-onners are all grown-up and should be able to phone a taxi. When we were drinking, we - or I at least - were really selfish, just wanting to drink drink and drink some more. I'm using those skills now in a positive way: I stay until I've had enough and then leave, generally when people start repeating themselves.

                    Elsie, so good to see you back, both on the Army but specially here in the Army. Too lazy to look now - was Jane's last line the peeing one? You do not have time to listen my sing the virtues (and some teeny weeny itty bitty faults) of Mr EVM.

                    Cleaning out the pantry. This involves not only the pantry, but making space on the kitchen counters so I can clean and dry the fridge & freezer shelves and drawers, labelling jars and jars and jars of things that, once made, were simply just packed in boxes, cleaning shelves in the garage so that some necessary crap in the pantry can go there and be out of my way until when needed. Just cleaning out the pantry - it would have been easier to just paint San Francisco Bridge.
                    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                      Army thread late Saturday morning

                      Afternoon Army. I love that mug Dreamy you come up with some lovely ones. Ahh thanks for you concern yesterday I think Sweetie mentioned it first. I'm fine really same old stuff but my internet was giving me grief for much of Thursday and Friday it kept freezing and I had to keep shutting down and signing back in. My laptop is less 2 years old so hopefully that's not the problem but when my contract is up with this internet provider i'll look around for other deals. I was on last night late but didn't post. How is your ear today Foxy? How is the DD doing so far Satz? I feel for you today also Satz nothing
                      as bad as having to go to some bloomy family you are not in the mood for. Just stay as long as feel like and then bugger off as you say the hell with the rest of them. I think rain is for cast for later so she picked a good day lol. Any way better get some thing done round here. Have a super Saturday catch yis all later:wavin:
                      If you always do what you have always done, you will get what you always got.:heart:


                        Army thread late Saturday morning

                        Dreamy, you don't need to give me all the details!! But is he a new possible romance? I only read yesterday and today I wasn't sure if Mr Evm is a man or a puppy.?? I have had killed 3 little moths the past 2 days, so cleaning the pantry was also on my list today. Found the little buggers in a jar of sunflower seeds. Also defrosted my freezer a while ago as I couldn't get anything in or out. Those are actually my favourite household chores. I love putting things in jars and labelling. Should I come over and help you out?
                        Hi Foxy!


                          Army thread late Saturday morning

                          Elsie, yes, please come over and help! Although: to clean the shelves in the garage, I wanted to get the car out. Turns out the battery is dead, flat, not doing whatever batteries are supposed to be doing. So, have lost the will to clean properly, but pantry contents are spread over kit hen, dining table, part of living room and passage. So, really cannot leave everything as is and go off and sulk somewhere. Unless there really is a Pantry Fairy?
                          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                            Army thread late Saturday morning

                            Just been to your fitness fred and the Loamers, Elsie: haven't you done enough cleaning today? Your daughter will absolutely love you!
                            14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                              Army thread late Saturday morning

                              tried to get on this morning and nearly lost the will to live.

                              have been in the garden reading a book and seeing something out of the corner of my eye that needs doing, so doing it and back to my book. shouldnt read in the garden as i always see something that needs pulling up or tying down.

                              foxy, stop calling me foxy.

