We're also extremely houseproud, and your posts clutter up the living room and the kitchen, so, here's a place for you to post.
It doesn't matter if your username contains no vowels, are all vowels or are good, home-grown Anglo-Saxon. We'll do our best to pronounce it properly.
We speak all languages - from Afrikaans to Zulu - with English, French, German Italian thrown in. We also know Spanish, Swahili, Sanskrit and Serbo-Croat.
We accept all alphabets: Roman preferred, but we'll make do with Cyrillic, Greek, beautiful Thai and Arabic.
We love shopping, so bring on your Nikes, your Louis Vuitton bags, your adult toys and hearing aids. Stick to legal products only, though, and remember we're sensitive to sweat shops. No booze though - I'm sure you'd understand.
So - post away here on this thread, and remember to wipe your feet at the door.