Saw my shrink yesterday, told him about mwo, had no heard of it, but seemed to like the idea once he got over the fact that it wasnt a threat to his ego, he thinks that i should not count days as this is sort of anti productive, like get to the end of the month without drinking and then start again, thinks i should just take one day at a time, what do you think?
Listened to the cds, was a little frightened at first wasnt sure , thinking what are they putting into my head, just bought these bloody things off the net, what if it is some sort of cult, anyway got past that i am listening as we speak. Started my sups today so i will let you no how they go. By the way doc was not keen on topia had not heard of it, and was worried because it had not been approved in auz yet, he may do some research now. He seem to think that lexopro that i am on had similar qualities any one heard that?
any way thanks for listening update soon
