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Roos bounce into spring :-)

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    Roos bounce into spring :-)

    Reggie;1705272 wrote: Can't promise Happs but I'll try
    It's what we all do every day love - just keep swimming :h


      Roos bounce into spring :-)

      Hello there Happs,
      I'm OK,
      Just a couple of the younger female RFS members were chatting to me to-day....
      they have their
      whole life ahead of them and they are seeking my advice aboout things from time to time.
      They asked me if I was writing a book on how to have a I told them how to have a happy marriage. Told them yes I was, and I was even letting Mr Rags write a chapter,
      but only under my strict supervision. Had them in fits of laughter.
      I told one of them about our dashed hopes of doing the sailing thing (but in a positive way)
      and how we are substituting going on holidays via an aeroplane.

      Then I saw Reggies post about sailing
      and it all came flooding back how much I really really wanted to do it
      and if the opportunity came up tomorrow I'd do it.

      Reggie, the Open Day went well.
      I shot some video of the girls demonstrating putting out oil fires, and a hose rolling competition,
      we had little kids in our jackets (which reached to the ground on them) and helemts and let them turn on the pumps on the trucks, we did an overrun exercise, and
      dammit, we even had a bouncy castle, and I forgot to have a go on it!!!
      I must remember for next year.
      Mr Rags and I had the face painting fairy paint our faces.
      I have a yellow frangipani and Mr Rags a pink one with sparkles.
      One of the girls had a fire hose, and another a flame.
      I'll put piccies of them up next week as I gave the sd card to the community liaison officer.


        Roos bounce into spring :-)

        Arvo Undies. A stunner of a day here. I'm wearing a SINGLET!

        Now ... there was a really lovely Leunig cartoon in The Age yesterday which is kind of appropriate for the drawer-dwellers. The accompanying poems reads:

        Underpants which have in Winter sagged.

        Underpants which have, in winter sagged
        And fallen into darkness and despond
        Shall from their shame and loneliness be dragged
        And laid upon the fern's emerging frond.
        The frond shall gently rise to greet the spring,
        Above the flowers, into the sun fantastic,
        Where birds in praise of underpants shall sing
        And life will be restored to old elastic.


          Roos bounce into spring :-)

          That's gorgeous Froglette. How totally apt. And I can see Reg loving the idea of "the fern's emerging frond"

          Lovely lazy day...going to whip out into the garden for one last round and pick some salad greens....yep, they are back on the menu...fat pants are soooo out, they are in...


            Roos bounce into spring :-)

            Hello you little buggers!
            I did a rush trip to Sydney for the Archibald this w/e!!!
            It was FREAKING FANTASTIC!!!!
            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
            Rejoined life 20/5/19


              Roos bounce into spring :-)

              Reggie;1705582 wrote: Belated Birthday wishes happs just to give you the shits:H:H

    [/video]]Happy Birthday. Minions - YouTube
              :H thanks Reg.


                Roos bounce into spring :-)

                byebyebridgetjones;1705583 wrote: Hello you little buggers!
                I did a rush trip to Sydney for the Archibald this w/e!!!
                It was FREAKING FANTASTIC!!!!
                I'm so jelly


                  Roos bounce into spring :-)

                  I can't believe this Reg...because my favourite was the young archies....there was one that I took a photo of which just astonished me.......
                  If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                  Rejoined life 20/5/19


                    Roos bounce into spring :-)

                    I will upload when I can (working with new laptop and 8.1 which is an arsehole of an OS!!!) Have to re-install everything.
                    But seriously...all of the art was just mesmerising ......just astonishing...esp for me as a person who can't access the art part of my brain.....WOW!
                    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                    Rejoined life 20/5/19


                      Roos bounce into spring :-)

                      Wow, thanks Reg, Awesome x


                        Roos bounce into spring :-)

                        Speaks at any age Reg...looking at these today

               =644&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=3X0VVLiMHY ek8AX6mYLAAw&sqi=2&ved=0CCsQsAQ

                        Heading in...I'm to all...feel incredibly lucky to be.


                          Roos bounce into spring :-)

                          Here we goes:

                          Young Archie competition :: Archibald, Wynne and Sulman Prizes 2014 :: Art Gallery NSW

                          Right I'm off....
                          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                          Rejoined life 20/5/19


                            Roos bounce into spring :-)

                            Morning Undies! gorgeous weather, could well be a singlet day here, expose some flesh. I've put on 7kg since starting chemo which I shall not complain about - although I do - coz I could need it down the track, so there is a bit more to expose than last summer.

                            The Lamp called COTY and he is now coming up for Christmas, which is ok we're just trying to make the visit a week, not three weeks. Juggling, juggling...

                            Hope everyone is set for a good week. Loved the art last night...


                              Roos bounce into spring :-)

                              Hello everybody I just wanted to quickly fly by and thank you wondy undie guys for being here when I needed you, what a great bunch of people. G'night now it's past my dreamtime.
                              Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                                Roos bounce into spring :-)

                                Morning Happs and y'all,

                                Singlet day sounds good Saucy. Gorg weekend here, but the clouds have set in here for a few days as usual. Which is why i'm still considering a move further north out of the Melbourne cloud net!

                                Aside from that, 'tings are good and can't complain.

                                Thanks for the YA's link Jonesy. Brill expression from our youngsters. I remember having pretty good insight (rough direction) re my path in life, and an enthusiastic enquiring mind at 8 yrs.

                                Good to see you KT. Hope you stick around.

                                Have a bewdy out there.

                                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

