Hey everyone - gosh - what a day! Worked for a couple of hours first thing then helped a friend move ! I LOVE doing physical stuff like that !!! It makes me feel SO good ! Anyway - sorry Fen about your yucky tum - I have also not had a wonderful tum having taken the AB - it seemed fine at first but then catches me at odd times - really weird.
Pauly - you will get used to it, really you will ..... just keep posting XXX
IF - sounds like a plan - so glad everyone is pleased with the new job idea - when will it all take place ? And please watch the shoulder - don't assume it is from something else ... check with your GP ....
Kradle - no worries about not Skyping - I will be in bed early tonight anyway trust me - and you are an hour behind me too I think - I have had a long day and feel really quite wiped - it is at times like this that my mind is more than willing to keep going all day but my body isn't quite as willing !! I HATE getting older !!!!
I like the new auto save feature with this web site - I keep wondering what is popping up in the corner then realised what it was !!! LOL
Dottie - glad that your weekend went well - sounded a busy one even if you didn't think you did much!!
Nora - sorry about you not taking your meds - not a good thing !!! Laughed at the dandelion field !! How are things going? how are you feeling now ? (re the AL and stuff, not health wise)
Dottie - yours and my hubs are SO similar - he has history and biography books everywhere and I have the veggie cookbooks - LOL
Zen - so pleased that your party went well. I will skip Wal-Mart if I can - I prefer Target. There are so many horror stories about Wal-Mart and the employees - maybe there are too about Target but I haven't heard as many .....
Well, I am going to go and have a short sit down before feeding the dogs and then feeding me. Really feeling quite tired .....
Hugs to all,
sun XXXX