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One Step at a Time - September 2014

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    One Step at a Time - September 2014

    I had a doll who's hair grew and I got in big trouble when I cut it!!
    Dottie, I wish I could manage your house for you. I'd do it for cheap and the renters wouldn't get away with anything!
    Typical day at work, so I won't bitch. Tucky is huge every morning I expect to get a phone call that she is in labor...
    off to scrounge up some dinner
    No AL today, but I sure was thinking about it on the way home....grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      One Step at a Time - September 2014

      it's been raining buckets here since Saturday. Makes for a bad hair day!
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        One Step at a Time - September 2014

        Crazy cray busy............
        Al check in- home safe and sound. Will read back.
        Love you all.:h
        Mama you could never have a bad hair day:l
        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


          One Step at a Time - September 2014

          OK, so I did something very out of character yesterday. I went about my work, did what I needed to do, and somewhere around 5 p.m. I had a total *snap*. Packed a bag and my wee laptop as fast as a human being can possibly pack and I drove here... Delray Beach Hotels | Highland Beach Resort | Delray Sands

          How is that for off the wall behaviour? The room's lovely, I'll post pix, and I have an ocean view, can't wait for it to get light so I can go walking. I may even stay another day... I'm totally unremorseful! I called Bill and he knows he needs to look after the boys.

          I honestly think I may have lost my marbles. This place is only 10 mins from my house... WTF?!

          Has anyone else had a midlife crisis?! I really think I've lost the plot. :new:


            One Step at a Time - September 2014

            Oh and I even thought to pack a swimsuit. I swear to God... I have lost it. Mama, you're going to have to come and sort me out! (Bring your bikini!) :H

            Ay caramba. Totally stupid, but boy it feels good. Can't wait to chat with you all in the morning... meanwhile I shall luxuriate in this immensely comfy bed!

            Hugs to all... :l


              One Step at a Time - September 2014

              Morning all

              That's great news about the showing, dotts. Fingers and everything crossed for you. :fingers:

              Do you really have a bucket and towels under your desk, beloved mrs bear?!! You have a good memory, I do indeed have a cat named poppy. It's a nice name, pauly.

              Sunny, whenever they say there is a 100% chance of rain, I always have to remind myself that there is at least a 50% chance that they are wrong...

              Talking of dolls and stuff, there was a uk version of barbie named sindy, I think, and then there was action man for boys.

              Fenny, you totally had me yesterday with elizabeth and I stopped reading at that point to ponder WTF elizabeth was! :H

              Zenny, maybe you needed a break and some time to yourself away from the guys after such a busy stay in Scotland? Or maybe going home has unsettled you a bit? Whatever the reason, I hope you enjoy yourself at the resort.

              :hallo: to everyone else

              Went to the pool last night and today I must take advantage of the mild autumn weather we're having and start getting things tidied up outdoors in time for winter. Got to take Amy for her morning walk first.

              Happy hump day, folks.


                One Step at a Time - September 2014

                Good morning.
                AF with a few speed bumps during 2014 & 2015 but will succeed.
                As of 4/12/2014 I have not smoked at all and feel great.


                  One Step at a Time - September 2014

                  Morning all!

                  Reccy, I joked about needing a holiday after my "holiday" and as it turns out I wasn't far wrong. That and the fact that I just want to be near the sea. Being homesick sucks! :upset:

                  I had a Cindy doll... terrible how they teach small children they should have figures like these dolls. I was a really fat kid and I didn't like that doll at all.

                  Good luck with the showing Dotts, let us know how it goes.

                  Is it raining Sunny?!

                  Had to laugh at Mama with the bucket and gloves hidden under her desk. Mama, how is Baby Daddy doing these days? Is he being supportive?

                  :wavin: to everyone else.

                  I had to get some work out of the way this morning (don't you just love technology) and now I'm off for a walk on the beach. I finally got to sleep once that lot next door quietened down (around 3 a.m.) and slept like a baby. Bet they have sore heads today...


                    One Step at a Time - September 2014

                    View from my room this morning. I've totally lost my marbles doing this! The line of equity on the house will take a beating but, oh well, I guess my sanity (or what's left of it) matters more. Gotta admit, heat & humidity aside, it's lovely... and it's making me feel better about being back here.

                    I just got a call from my old next door neighbor who's in town... might meet him for lunch if I can winkle myself out.


                      One Step at a Time - September 2014

                      Man, lost post yest a.m. and now it's already 4 pages later.

                      Sure love that ocean pic! I could get in the car and be at the beach in 45 min. Only do that when we have guests. May have to switch out a golf day for a beach day!

                      Zen - Getting recharged? Hope so. Looks so peaceful.

                      Dot - good luck on the showing!

                      K9 - Are you on wait list for book? I am, but that's alright as I have others going right now. I hear you on 'boring life'. Want that myself right now.

                      Printing out month view of calendar so I can place a large "X" on AF days. Simple visual that helps me.

                      Have a wonderful Wednesday!

                      The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                        One Step at a Time - September 2014

                        TMH... yes, you got it... I'm getting recharged! Peace, quiet, and the ocean. Just what I needed. I extended for another night and will be back in the fray this time tomorrow. In the meantime, I'm meeting old next door neighbor for lunch downstairs and fielding a few business calls. I'll maybe even have a nap this afternoon... haha! I don't want to think about the cost... I'll be spitting nails paying down the credit cards this month.

                        You didn't tell me what you go round in. I really think I'm going to start playing again. My short game sucks but I can drive. I'm tall and use mens clubs. I took lessons once and they screwed me up so bad I stopped playing... lol


                          One Step at a Time - September 2014

                          Morning all,
                          mama I wish u could manage the house. Or maybe i should have come to u for advice before renting the darn thing....anyway realtor said she will provide feedback within 24 hours.
                          Zen I want a LIKE for your picture. Beautiful!
                          Off to the gym then grocery. Meet the running group at 6:30 tonight if it isnt raining. I wont run in the rain. And it looks like the skies will open up any minute....

                          Newbie's Nest

                          Tool Box
                          AF 9.1.2013


                            One Step at a Time - September 2014

                            Morning All!

                            Zenny - I am packing right now, I will meet you there...looks gorgeous! And yes I'll even bring a bikini to scare away the other guests so we will have the pool all to ourselves!!! I'm glad you're getting to rest and relax. What were your neighbors up to until 3am? I can only

                            Mama - Please describe this "rain" you speak of...I have never heard of such a thing. We have 0% chance of it...ever! Maybe you should keep a Haz Mat suit under your desk too, things with 'Tucky could get messy. LOL

                            TMH - Yes, I am waiting for that "Ove" book, there were 5 requests ahead of me, but that shouldn't take long, as they get the books from 6 or 7 libraries. I've requested a book before that had 200 people in line for it and it "only" took 2 months to get...the good thing is the library stopped charging to request books, they used to be $1 each, which I didn't really mind paying, but free is even better!

                            Speaking of childhood toys, I had this round plastic thing that you pulled a string and wherever the arrow stopped, it would make the sound of the animal (cow, chicken, dog, etc) Well one day I was playing with some younger kids and told them that if I cut the string a bomb would go off. So yes, I cut the string and of course ruined the toy. My mom was mad but the kids thought I was brave. HAHAHA

                            Pauly - How are you today?

                            Last night I considered not taking my AB this morning, so that by Saturday it would be all clear...but then I woke up this morning and said "WTF?" to myself, so AB went down the hatch!

                            Hi to everyone I missed...Fenny, Reccie, Dots, Kradle, FT, and all my other friends here! Hope y'all have a good Wednesday! Tomorrow we are having a Pizza Party for one of the girls here that got hired as a Sherriff (yes, she passed the psyche test that I FAILED...LOL). wonder I am not bikini-ready at the moment. LOL

                            Back later...........:h
                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                              One Step at a Time - September 2014

                              I am on my way too...SANS bikini....eeewwww...even the seagulls would be ill....I could probably be there in three-ish hours????

                              K9 - I laughed out loud at the HAZmat suit.....images of Breaking Bad floating through my head...
                              too freaking funny. On a serious note...good on you for taking the AB.:goodjob:
                              Zenny - I have to ask.....don't hate me.....but are you OK????
                              I am so tied down with kids, hubs, work, blah, blah, blah that the idea of "disappearing" baffles me....
                              if you are ok....then ROCK ON GIRL

                              Tucky's baby..... daddy is very much in the picture and is keeping her sane....I am SOOOOOOO grateful he is in her life.....
                              back to work for a minute...HIIIIIIIIII everybody:h:h
                              Zen -how do you load pictures from your phone??
                              Beloved Mr Bear - going back to check out what "Elizabeth" is.....enjoy your walk:h
                              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                                One Step at a Time - September 2014

                                K9, I saw on the news that the water in Arizona is full of crud from the low water levels and the addition of fertilizer and such from farming...people cannot wash clothes, brush teeth, etc
                                we have so much rain, I expect Russell Crowe to float by any minute...(reference to the movie "Noah")
                                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                                Live in the Solution....not the problem

