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not related but...

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    not related but...

    Hi everyone,im not sure if this topic is related to drinking,least of all relevant but it kind of "light bulbed" me today,so i have to spill.sorry if it offends anyone but i feel the most comfortable here,and if i ran these thoughts past my friends theyd all husband gave up smoking(about 10 a day-which i know for sure 'cos i smoked too)for a good year and then he started again(and i didnt and still dont):happy but he said he would only social smoke....Well....not only does he social smoke but he smokes a pack a day plus 2 packs on the weekend.Probably 3 times more than EVER before he gave up.I feel like if i have a drink now then "well,ive had 1 or 2,why not finish the bottle(s)"Does anyone get my point,or have i just rambled!:rolleyes 8o : |I

    not related but...

    You haven't just's like, why not just finished that 16 oz prime rib, that double portion of double fudge chocolate cake, etc., or even, finish what's left in the glass, let alone the bottle. This is one of the hardest things for me to do, period! I stopped smoking when I stopped drinking but I smoked off and on for years...but, I never smoked beyond 1/2 of the cigarette, until I decided I was going to quit! It's probably a mental deprivation thing!


      not related but...

      I identify completely, mj! I think it is a mental deprivation thing (like when I'm about to go on yet another diet...I have to suddenly eat all the stuff I'm not going to eat when I actually start the diet...yeah, THAT works! Not!

      I also think there's something else going on though and it's come up a couple of times on the boards here...and it's that, for some of us, our decision-making ability is actually changed by the first other words, you are not the same person after one drink as you were before that drink and, therefore, you will not have the same ability to decide to not have the NEXT drink as you had to not have the FIRST drink.... Simplistically, I like to think of it as dominoes...if the first tile doesn't get pushed over, then nothing happens. But the moment that first tile gets pushed over, it is inevitable that the rest will fall. For me, the first drink is like that first domino tile...the rest of the drinks are inevitable....

      The ONLY decision for me is not to have the first drink...I am no longer the same susan after that and the OTHER susan will continue to drink until it's all gone...and then go out for more!

      Hope this makes sense--
      best, susan

