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Jack Kevorkian is Out!!

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    Jack Kevorkian is Out!!

    Morr, come on now, let us know you ok, have pm'd you, now you in biiiiiiig trouble - lol.

    Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


      Jack Kevorkian is Out!!

      I agree with Flip. As they should, our pets die in a humane way when we have to put them to sleep. Should be the same with people who are ill and suffering with great pain.


        Jack Kevorkian is Out!!

        I too agree with assisted passing for the terminally ill and dying. That is a loving act. A choice of personal suicide as escape from psychological or even physical but not terminal pain is very bad for the soul.


          Jack Kevorkian is Out!!

          Dr. K. I thought was only for the terminally ill.

          If I were in Tammy Faye Bakker shoes and were in as much pain as she says she is in I would understand going to Dr. K for that but never for suicide.

          Suicide affects the loved ones left behind. It's a very selfish act. I don't know if people that commit suicide really understand that. I couldn't imagine doing that to my husband and 3 sons.

          I've been sad for the past few days but I know it will get better. It just has to!


            Jack Kevorkian is Out!!

            My mom could not be officially called "terminal" because she had a benign brain tumour that was not operable. They couldn't give her a time limit. Her doc gave me drugs on the sly just in case. Luckily I didn't need them, but if I had to I would have.
            Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


              Jack Kevorkian is Out!!

              Got some good replys

              But I have to disagree with most. Most people would say it is okay for assisted suicide for the terminally ill. But, not for people that just lost the will to live. Why? I really want to see the reasons presented in a clear, logical, and articulate manner. I think it would be very interesting, and may open some points of views some of us don't share. I guess I believe mental illness could be a terminal illness. Basically, some will say, terminally ill people should be allowed to die on their own accord, because of the suffering, and they are going to die anyway, right? Well, you don't think people with mental problems don't suffer? Guess what, they are going to die too, cause we all do. I'm not taking one side or the other, I just think it is an interesting subject. It ties into so many things. Morality, science, religion, life after death.

              Sorry for being morbid. Just figured it would be an interesting thread for the board.

              Oh, and thanks for expressing concern, but I am not considering suicide. I tried to make that clear in my second posting in this thread. I was just trying to make a point, but I guess I failed to do so in the manner I wanted to.

              Also, I don't buy into the whole "selfish" thing for people that have killed themselves. I had friends and family that did off themselves, and it was their lives to do what they want. I know that sounds sick, but I try to be logical at times, cause I know what intense emotions can do. Sometimes I think the living are selfish for getting mad at the people that committed suicide. It's almost as they are saying, "that bastard just took off without saying goodbye, and I wasn't done using him/her."

              Yeah, I miss my buds that are gone. But they never came back to say hello, so screw 'em. hehe. See, making a joke out of everything is the way I win against this silly thing called emotion.
              where does this go?


                Jack Kevorkian is Out!!

                You are to funny Morrison.

                I guess in a sick sorta way.....I see what ya mean. lol
                Us weird folks gotta stick together I spoze.

                But in a healthier way...It would be better to cure any illness we have if we can. Right? Physical or mental.....all in the same. I mean theres always the "life's to short" thing and we gotta make the best of it stuff.

                I mean when our soul is here in this life...and if its gonna go on to anther life and have fun I would like to send of off as good as possible. Instead of all rotton and raunchy and unloved and unwanted and sick and blah and decreped and bent over and narly. Right?

                Just something to think about.
                Gabby :flower:


                  Jack Kevorkian is Out!!

                  Gabby, are you basically saying "Die young and leave a good looking corpse?"
                  where does this go?


                    Jack Kevorkian is Out!!

           you silly
                    Gabby :flower:


                      Jack Kevorkian is Out!!

                      Morrison we are all entitled to are own Views so that is why I am not going to get into a Rosie O'Donnell and Elisabeth Hassellbeck feud with you. lol - Which one are you? Rosie or Elisabeth? I'm the cute and cuddly one. Woof

                      Anyways, the suicides that get me are the double ones where the husbands snatch the child and take both their lives. And then look at the comedian Phil Hartmann. The wife went and shot him and then took herself. I don't get it. Why do you have to take other people down with you?

                      What's your take on this?


                        Jack Kevorkian is Out!!

                        Happier, those just get me so bad. I dont even wanna get started.
                        Gabby :flower:


                          Jack Kevorkian is Out!!

                          My take is the kids are revenge to get back at the wife and I heard that Phil Hartmann's wife was extremely jealous of him.

                          I'm not jealous of my husband but I wish I could be a female version of him.
                          That cute little puppy would be a jaguar.


                            Jack Kevorkian is Out!!


                            You sure give great thread!

                            And, as always, I need a few hours to pull together some clear, logical, constructive thoughts.

                            I shall return and hopefully present my response in an articulate manner. As the debate is a philosophical one, we should be able to post without fear of flack or fury.

                            (Don't know if you're old enough - but a scene from 'Soylent Green' keeps running through my mind. Edward G Robinson; a huge screen with deer and other beautiful scenery; Beethoven's 'The Pastoral Symphony' ... it was beautiful.)

                            I'll be back.


                              Jack Kevorkian is Out!!

                              Happier, killing others is not cool in my book. See, that is THEIR LIFE. Not yours. Your life is sacred, and only you should be able to take it. Now, I was raised Catholic, and was always told that only GOD can take your life. So now we are going to make exceptions for those that are terminally ill? See, that is why morality can not be brought into the conversation. You either believe you can take your life, or you can't. No excuses. Me, I believe you should be able to do whatever the hell you want. Hey, and if there is a God, let him worry about whats right and wrong when were dead. But here, on this earth, people should be able to kill themselves if they want. Think about it. Booze is legal, smokes are legal, and fast food is legas. They kill people, just not as quick as a bullet in the brain. Again, I'm just trying to see why people have the thought processes that they do when it comes to our own rights and euthanasia.
                              where does this go?


                                Jack Kevorkian is Out!!

                                Morrison, glad to see you back

