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Jack Kevorkian is Out!!

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    Jack Kevorkian is Out!!

    Hey accountable. How you doing? Still up in Canada? Thought of coming back to vegas at all? haha. Probably not the best idea. This town is starting to suck anyway, but that is another conversation.
    where does this go?


      Jack Kevorkian is Out!!

      Happier, to answer your question about Rosie . I guess I'm more like her. Not very well liked, I enjoy tacos more than hot dogs, and I pee while standing up.
      where does this go?


        Jack Kevorkian is Out!!

        You make me laugh!!!!! `

        I like Rosie though. That's the weird thing. I don't care what people think.
        I have my own mind.
        I don't care for Donald Trump myself. Now he still thinks he has the best hair. Why in the world does he think his hair looks good? That is a whole new thread. Hope Mr. Trump is not a MYO member.


          Jack Kevorkian is Out!!


          I hover in public restrooms!


            Jack Kevorkian is Out!!

            Happier, you HAVE to hover. I'm such a germ freak myself. However, how the hell do you like Rosie? She just seems so obnoxious. Honestly, I think she might be a bit insane. And I'm not saying that jokingly. If she is, I hope she gets it taken care of. Trump is the same as so many wealthy men I know. So insecure, he continuously has to poster himself all over the place, in every venue immaginable. Anybody with an iota of sense and integrity would not model themselves after this guy. He represents a large part of what is wrong with society, and that is greed and narcissism.

            Damn, I'm quite high on myself lately, aren't I? :H
            where does this go?


              Jack Kevorkian is Out!!

              Well Happs, I don't think too many people wanted to touch a thread like this. I don't blame them. It was actually very pretentious on my part to even get this fired up. I guess I'm a firm believer in trying to look at every point of view, no matter how alien it may first appear. I just don't want to be locked into a state where my beliefs are so concrete, there is no flexibility in my viewpoint at all. Beliefs are good. I believe that (pun intended.) None of us want to think about death. For ourselves, or for the ones we love.
              where does this go?


                Jack Kevorkian is Out!!

                I guess there are more harmful people on the planet than Rosie!
                She is just a mosquito.
                Heck Morrison, we need to get on a more happier topic.
                That is why I named myself happier!


                  Jack Kevorkian is Out!!

                  I love the nickname Happs,
                  Thanks Morrs!


                    Jack Kevorkian is Out!!

                    I like happs too. Gonna keep it. Good one Morrs
                    Gabby :flower:


                      Jack Kevorkian is Out!!

                      Sorry, gotta sign off this thread. Just don't think I'm going to be able to clearly and articulately explain why my mom dying of cancer did not cause the same level distress as other members of the family killing themselves in ways I don't want to discuss. But I really don't think it was because I wanted to keep using them. And whenever I get close to that place myself, I think about how others would feel. And on great days like today I'm so glad I did. But glad to hear that you are ok. You completely sure that your close friends and family members killing themselves has absolutely no contribution to your depression at all though? We are all connected.


                        Jack Kevorkian is Out!!

                        My thinking cap's just been removed.

                        Have fun guys! :goodjob:


                          Jack Kevorkian is Out!!

                          I think that keeping people alive through unnatural means can in some situations be immoral and inhuman.

                          These issues are really tough. you want to protect someone incapacitated and yet you should not keep people alive by artificial means when they are in pain.

                          However, deliberately helping someone to die? what if the person is in a fit of mania.

                          This is a gray area. I don't know if US people know of the Shipman cases in the UK, where a doctor killed loads of old people.

                          Part of it is a question of the value of life. What if an old or sick person feels burdensome?
                          and that is at the root of the decision? or is so depressed and doesnt really mean it? wants someone to stop them?

                          all these issues are so important. i imagine it would have to be decided on a case by case basis. best left to families. I really feel for people involved in these cases.#

                          Another related issue, anyone heard of pillow baby? girl who was so retarded mentally and completely physically debilitated, very rare condition. Parents opted to stunt her growth with hormones, keep her like a child, ensure she will never grow breasts or menstruate. Now they can keep her around them, and ensure she is never sexually abused or gets breast or ovarian cancer.

                          it's radical but after months of thinking about it, I came to agree with it. AGain a family decision. If she was full adult size, she would have had lower quality of life.

                          Such tough decisions for families...


                            Jack Kevorkian is Out!!

                            Great thread morrison!
                            Glad you're back.

                            Just a thought on the morality issue.
                            Why is it OK for some countries to take the life of a person, say on Death Row, who doesn't want to die, yet deny, what may well be a blessed release to someone who does?
                            I'm not taking sides here...just joining in a very interesting theme.


                              Jack Kevorkian is Out!!

                              My point precisely, Popeye!

                              Morrison started a really good train of thought. I'd love to think we could stay on that train for a little while without turning it into a bloody Big Dipper at the fun fair.

                              Depression, me? No f'way! Just Grumpy Old Woman stuff.


                                Jack Kevorkian is Out!!

                                I was told to check on Morrison over here and I did.
                                I was trying to lighten up the conversation a bit.

                                Sorry if I ruined the in depth talk.

                                I will stay out of this one.

