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charles atlas

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    charles atlas

    I cant believe the mess i've caused, but i'll try to explain.

    after all my detox and everything, well basically i failed.

    did manage 6 days AF and thought i'd cracked it.

    had a few problems and went totally haywire, drank to serious excess,even more than usual.

    couldn't face up to my family and friends that i failed, and i still haven't. everyone thinks im "sorted".

    so i went away (literally, 300 miles south) to lick my wounds.

    i can honestly say that i diddn't intend to create this mess.

    so sorry to anyone who thinks otherwise.

    if anyone thinks im a manipulative bast%rd and doesn't want me around here anymore, PLEASE SAY SO NOW!!!!.

    ive got others i need to apologise to seperately.

    so sorry to everyone who cared.

    i feel like an idiot, and im also still a drunk.

    cant apologise enough.

    i cant stress enough that if anyone feels that im not wanted around here, i really want to know? NOW,!!!!!!!!

    thanks for listening, sorry for being an idiot .

    charles atlas

    There are alot of people who care about you on here are a lucky guy....I am sure everyone is just glad you are ok.


      charles atlas

      Glad to see you back - we woz worried !

      We have all been there - that place we don't want to be, come back and join the rest of us that are just like you in our own way.
      Love Angellina -x-
      Just believe - that's all you have to do



        charles atlas

        Bright, You had a setback. You are of course still welcome here. Wishing you better days ahead.


          charles atlas


          You are struggling to move uphill, as we all are. It's a tough climb, we all know it. Understand that we understand. Just keep trying!

          Nov 1 2006 avg 100 - 120 drinks/week
          April 29 2011 TSM avg 70 - 80/wk
          wks* 1- 6: 256/1AF (avg 42.6/wk)
          wks* 7-12: 229/3AF (avg 38.1/wk)
          wks 13-18: 192/5AF (avg 32.0/wk)
          wks 19-24: 176/1AF (avg 29.3/wk)
          wks 25-30: 154/10AF (avg 25.6/wk)
          wks 31-36: 30/37AF (avg 5/wk )

          I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.


            charles atlas

            Hi Bright, I have never actually posted with you before, but I saw your post and have been worried too. I hope that you are ok, I understand. If you have these feelings again, try and give us a chance to help you. If I feel myself going there too, I am going to come on here and see if someone can help me through it.
            :goodjob: for coming back.:l
            Here we go again.

            AL FREE since Saturday the 14th of March 2009


              charles atlas

              Hi Brightfield...dont beat yourself up....hasnt everyone on here had slips or some serious mess ups at times.

              We need to come back on her and realise its a rocky road to go alone. NO you ahvent failed but you need to set another goal today and go for it...several doing AF days together during June.

              I hope to clock up some AF days this month too.

              We are all on our personal journey through life and arent clones so we will individually cope or not cope in various ways.

              get some strategies sorted and give whatever your goal is another chance...

              wishing you good luck and dont despair....people like you give so much to us strugglers and the honesty really helps



                charles atlas

                hi bright so glad you came back we all have small set backs it is how we bounce back that matters you are no different from any one of us we are all here to try and achieve the same goal and anyway 6 days af a failure i don,t think so it is a great achievement now ask yourself how am i going to get to 7 days af and take it from there hope this helps in a small way keep plugging away you will get there one day



                  charles atlas

                  Hi Brightfield,
                  I'm glad you stayed.
                  Start afresh.
                  Fresh.....What a lovely word.


                    charles atlas

                    Hi bright~

                    The timing just didn't work out. You are not an idiot & not a drunk. Keep trying, never give up and we are always here for support. You are worth it.

                    I posted this in Monthly Abs today:
                    Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.
                    -Dale Carnegie

                    No one can take hope away for you. You CAN do it again.
                    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                      charles atlas

                      Bright, this episode proves to us all exactly why we all need to not drank in excess, because we hurt those we love and do stupid shit that we regret and end up apologizing for and crying over and making our loved ones cry over. How sad... we have ALL done this..EVERY single one of us have done how could we ask you to leave and ban you for something we have all done ourselves? That would be pretty ridiculous, would it not? I am sorry you hurt yourself and disappointed yourself and those you love, but you have a fresh start today...start again. Today is a new day. You did it for 6 can do it again. I wish you much happiness. Tomorrow go outside and no matter what the weather is, just soak up the day, be thankful for it and enjoy it...and start your 1st sobber day. You can do this again!!!!


                        charles atlas

                        Glad you're okay. As others have said we've all said and done things we regret.

                        Tomorrow is a new day.
                        Enlightened by MWO


                          charles atlas

                          I think Luvuall said it well. Alcohol fogged brains make bad decisions but the people themselves are still quite loveable. Please stay.


                            charles atlas

                            How could I ever dislike anyone with such beautiful honesty as you? I can only admire that. And how could I ever make negative judgements about someone who has stumbled and fallen the same way I have? You can do this - please stick around.
                            Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                              charles atlas

                              You haven't failed, you have learnt another lesson!

                              Do you think that it's easy to just stop and never slip ??? Well heck yes - we've ALL managed that - what's wrong with you?? yeah NOT!

                              We are all here because we need support and understanding, so you are in the right place. Don't be frightend to be truthful. This is one place you will not be judged.
                              It always seems impossible until it's done....

