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charles atlas

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    charles atlas

    I'm glad your back too, Bright. We are here to support and help one another in good times and bad. Get your mind back in the game and continue to strive for more AF days! Good luck.



      charles atlas

      Bright... you made a mistake... the only thing that matters is that you're ok and alive!

      I want you around here

      :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


        charles atlas

        Well, at least you know people care alot. I hope you can stop beating yourself up now and start afresh. We have all been there and know how awful it is. Be nice to yourself Bright. You deserve it. Bella xxx


          charles atlas

          Hi bright, same as paranoid, i was worried, i hope no one wants you gone, or i will have to go to every one stuffs up once and a while.


            charles atlas

            Bright ...

            Thank you so much for coming back ..........


              charles atlas

              well ive had no pelters from anyone (yet)

              so its a massive thank you to all the support and words of kindness.

              its after 9 pm here on sunday evening.

              im totally sober

              thanks again everyone.

              thanks p


                charles atlas

                So glad to see you back!

                Time to give it another go.

                Each time you learn something new that helps you along.
                Suddenly I see
                This is what I want to be
                suddenly I see
                Why the hell it means so much to me.

                -KT Tunstall


                  charles atlas

                  Hi Bright, so glad you are able to post again, hope you read all your messages of support, unbeatable eh! What a place this is.

                  Love and hugs to you.

                  Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                    charles atlas

                    Minor setback or big stuff up, really thats all it is. And thank heavens thats how we think. And your only a drunk when your drunk, but your aware of it and want to get better, that's the main thing!!!

                    I have had so many 'set backs, slips and stuffups' that if I gave up and just resigned myself to the lable of 'a drunk' that's exactly what I would be, but in reality I'm a good worthwhile person, took a while to be able to say that and believe it, that sometimes gets drunk, but I'm working on it, knowing that one day, I'll be able to say that my being drunk is a long ago dim memory.

                    I'm working on loving myself, and ridding myself of a deep ingrained 'victim mentality', I deserve a good life, and believe I am responsible for achieving it, any slips etc are lessons in my path of learning to love me.

                    Lot's of Love, Jas :h xx
                    :thanks: :h


                      charles atlas

                      Hopefully you now realise how many friends that you have here on the boards ...........

                      Its really nice to see you back, you had us all really worried ......


                        charles atlas

                        Glad to see you back! We all do this; and I'm sure we've all done it many still never gets any easier everytime we do it. Alcohol makes me so dramatic sometimes that I really really have to watch myself with the things I say or do sometimes. It's good to see you back and back on track. We are here for you, and we're all in this together. There's a great group of people here, it works better when all our accounted for. And now we are! Smile.



                          charles atlas

                          Glad to see you back Bright! Also glad to see you had one AF day and you know you can do more.

                          Take Care.
                          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                            charles atlas

                            Glad to see you back with us. Keep those sober days going my friend!
                            Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                              charles atlas

                              down, up, and in again

                              good to hear from you
                              What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                              ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?

