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Best lyrics ever

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    Best lyrics ever

    at least there are some things in life we can go back and delete
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      Best lyrics ever

      BTW, nice to see you again Morrison! not sure if you've been away or my powers of observation have waned.
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        Best lyrics ever

        Too bad sperm is not one of those things.


          Best lyrics ever

          deleted again
          where does this go?


            Best lyrics ever

            I can see some song lyrics coming together Lucky. this might be a bad song but worth a try. we've also got to work on that disco number on the subscibers section.
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              Best lyrics ever

              I deleted his load
              'cos he's a filthy toad
              I didn't need his tadpoles
              fillin' up my abode

              hey, I warned you all this would be bad
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Best lyrics ever

                One Wing In The Fire by Trent Tomlinson

                Daddy's been a back-row Baptist,
                With his share of front-row sin.
                His Saturday night still on his breathe,
                Every Sunday when he'd walk in.
                He's never led the Benediction,
                He's never sang in the choir.
                But he's an angel with no halo,
                An' one wing in the fire.

                Mamma lives by the Bible,
                The Bible lives by the bed.
                An' she's lied alone so many nights,
                With scriptures in her head.
                Prayin': "Good Lord, just be with him,
                "I know his Faith is tired,
                "But he's an angel with no halo,
                "An' one wing in the fire."

                "An' I know he lives a little left of livin' right,
                "An he's come close to goin' way to far a few times.
                "But I'd trade a thousand prayers if just one prayer would come true:
                "Lord, please believe in him, like I believe in you."

                Daddy's always been there for me,
                From T-Ball to touchdowns.
                Fixed my car an' fixed my heart,
                When they've been broken down.
                I know he calls for more forgiveness,
                Than most folks do require,
                But he's an angel with no halo,
                An' one wing in the fire.

                An' I know he lives a little left of livin' right,
                An he's come close to goin' way to far a few times.
                But I'd trade a thousand prayers if just one prayer would come true:
                Lord, please believe in him, like I believe in you.

                Well, I just can't imagine,
                What Heaven might be like.
                If me an' Mamma make it,
                Wiithout Daddy by our side.
                Lord, could you please remember,
                When it's time to call us higher:
                That he's an angel with no halo,
                An' one wing in the fire.

                I love this whole song....makes me laugh and came out right after Billy died. Can't tell you how many times he sat in church through bloodshot eyes, but he went. I just think he is my angel with no halo and one wing in the fire he was so dang onry! Me and his brother recently bought a bench to put up at his tree and bought an angel and laughed cause his brother said we could break one wing off....


                  Best lyrics ever

                  Morrison, why did you delete all your favorite lyrics? Now I don't know whether to tease you about elf suits, tell you about when I was 5 and the men I was watching lay the sidewalk said, "Don't you step in that, kid" in a mean voice so I did or post some lyrics. So I guess I'll do all. Don't know they are the best or my favorite but I was listening to them tonight and they always touch me.

                  Hello in There by John Prine

                  Old trees just grow stronger
                  Old rivers grow wider every day
                  But old people just grow lonesome
                  Waiting for someone to say hello in there, hello

                  So if you're walking down the street sometime
                  And spot some hollow ancient eyes
                  Please don't pass them by and stare,
                  like you didn't care
                  Say hello in there, hello


                    Best lyrics ever

                    cold silence has a tendency to atrophy any sense of compassion
                    where does this go?


                      Best lyrics ever

                      In the clearing stands a boxer, and a fighter by his trade
                      And he carries the reminders of every glove that laid him down or cut him
                      til he cried out in his anger and his shame
                      I am leaving, I am leaving, but the fighter still remains
                      where does this go?


                        Best lyrics ever

                        louise;144049 wrote: Morrison, why did you delete all your favorite lyrics? Now I don't know whether to tease you about elf suits, tell you about when I was 5 and the men I was watching lay the sidewalk said, "Don't you step in that, kid" in a mean voice so I did or post some lyrics. So I guess I'll do all. Don't know they are the best or my favorite but I was listening to them tonight and they always touch me.

                        Hello in There by John Prine

                        Old trees just grow stronger
                        Old rivers grow wider every day
                        But old people just grow lonesome
                        Waiting for someone to say hello in there, hello

                        So if you're walking down the street sometime
                        And spot some hollow ancient eyes
                        Please don't pass them by and stare,
                        like you didn't care
                        Say hello in there, hello
                        Great lyrics. Thanks. This is what I want. Selfish me;. Feed me with some kick ass lyrics.
                        where does this go?


                          Best lyrics ever

                          LUVUALL;144048 wrote: One Wing In The Fire by Trent Tomlinson

                          Daddy's been a back-row Baptist,
                          With his share of front-row sin.
                          His Saturday night still on his breathe,
                          Every Sunday when he'd walk in.
                          He's never led the Benediction,
                          He's never sang in the choir.
                          But he's an angel with no halo,
                          An' one wing in the fire.

                          Mamma lives by the Bible,
                          The Bible lives by the bed.
                          An' she's lied alone so many nights,
                          With scriptures in her head.
                          Prayin': "Good Lord, just be with him,
                          "I know his Faith is tired,
                          "But he's an angel with no halo,
                          "An' one wing in the fire."

                          "An' I know he lives a little left of livin' right,
                          "An he's come close to goin' way to far a few times.
                          "But I'd trade a thousand prayers if just one prayer would come true:
                          "Lord, please believe in him, like I believe in you."

                          Daddy's always been there for me,
                          From T-Ball to touchdowns.
                          Fixed my car an' fixed my heart,
                          When they've been broken down.
                          I know he calls for more forgiveness,
                          Than most folks do require,
                          But he's an angel with no halo,
                          An' one wing in the fire.

                          An' I know he lives a little left of livin' right,
                          An he's come close to goin' way to far a few times.
                          But I'd trade a thousand prayers if just one prayer would come true:
                          Lord, please believe in him, like I believe in you.

                          Well, I just can't imagine,
                          What Heaven might be like.
                          If me an' Mamma make it,
                          Wiithout Daddy by our side.
                          Lord, could you please remember,
                          When it's time to call us higher:
                          That he's an angel with no halo,
                          An' one wing in the fire.

                          I love this whole song....makes me laugh amd came out right after Billy died. Can't tell you how many times he sat in church through bloodshot eyes, but he went. I just think he is my angel with no halo and one wing in the fire he was so ang onry! Me and his brother recently bought a bench to put up at his tree and bought an angel and lughed cause his brother said we could break one wing off....
                          Luv, that is some great stuff.
                          where does this go?


                            Best lyrics ever

                            So blown away by luv, I really can't respond right nowl Give me some time damn it,
                            where does this go?


                              Best lyrics ever

                              I am a nerd; anything by Dan Folgelberg. What is it? "I saw her standing in a grocery store it was snowing Christmas Eve I strolled behind her in the frozen foods and touched her on her sleeve" I could type the whole song, I love it that much!


                                Best lyrics ever

                                Oh BTW luv, Greg loves that song and video. Are you dating my husband?

