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So what can I enjoy?

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    So what can I enjoy?

    Also, I am sorry if I did misread that! I dislike all encompassing statements like that with regards to my own sobriety. I have had a drink before, and walked away, with difficulty, but managed it without returning to bad habits. I don't intend to make a habit of that, but it can be donex
    GAD and OCD suffer
    6 months Effexor
    2 years Zoloft
    6 months naltrexone
    3 months non of the above.


      So what can I enjoy?

      All I can say at this point is that everyone has to find their own way, doesn't mean we can't provide pointers - they'll do what they want to do in the end. It's very difficult at times to watch, especially if it's a repeat of what you or another loved one went through but that's the way things are.

      What I think is really apparent from the OP is how ingrained our beliefs in society do revolve around alcohol. It's flipping scary. I've also really started noticing in the last few weeks how many people have those e-cigs in their hands and mouths these days. It's like as human beings we have to have something on the go and what's going through my mind is it's like a baby's dummy, a comforter, as well as an addiction to nicotine. A car came around the corner, driver had one hand on wheel, other arm along rolled down drivers side window clutching his purple plastic pipe/pen thing that is an e-cig. Seen numerous others this morning, outside cafes, waiting for shops to open, all clutching these plastic pipe thingies. Might be less harmful than real cigarettes and more tolerated but it's really showing how much human beings want and need something.

      I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

      Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

      AF date 22/07/13


        So what can I enjoy?

        YouKayBee;1703261 wrote: All I can say at this point is that everyone has to find their own way, doesn't mean we can't provide pointers - they'll do what they want to do in the end. It's very difficult at times to watch, especially if it's a repeat of what you or another loved one went through but that's the way things are.

        What I think is really apparent from the OP is how ingrained our beliefs in society do revolve around alcohol. It's flipping scary. I've also really started noticing in the last few weeks how many people have those e-cigs in their hands and mouths these days. It's like as human beings we have to have something on the go and what's going through my mind is it's like a baby's dummy, a comforter, as well as an addiction to nicotine. A car came around the corner, driver had one hand on wheel, other arm along rolled down drivers side window clutching his purple plastic pipe/pen thing that is an e-cig. Seen numerous others this morning, outside cafes, waiting for shops to open, all clutching these plastic pipe thingies. Might be less harmful than real cigarettes and more tolerated but it's really showing how much human beings want and need something.

        I couldn't agree with this more! When I was first quitting smoking, I picked up an ecig. A week or so into this I noticed that I didn't put the thing down! That felt worse than swapping addictions. I was only a 10-15 a day smoker, but I had that thing on the go for hours!

        You're right about needing a comforter. Even if it's a bottle of water on hand - not for the thirst, but to have SOMETHING there. It's a shame we are like this really. I think fear has a lot to do with it, especially from a personal perspective. I don't know why I'm so fearful, but I know I'm not alone in feeling like that.
        GAD and OCD suffer
        6 months Effexor
        2 years Zoloft
        6 months naltrexone
        3 months non of the above.


          So what can I enjoy?

          I guess a little further on that is the sense of true freedom. Are we capable of it? If we define freedom as needing absolutely nothing but food, water and air for survival and happiness. No crutches, nothing to dictate our actions but our untainted minds and healthy emotions.

          so many writers have mused upon the 'human condition.' It is fascinating, but I think it's also tragic.
          GAD and OCD suffer
          6 months Effexor
          2 years Zoloft
          6 months naltrexone
          3 months non of the above.

