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Rosie or Elizabeth

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    Rosie or Elizabeth

    :H Morrison you are priceless!
    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


      Rosie or Elizabeth

      Lucky, you hit the nail on the head. Rosie is a pig.


        Rosie or Elizabeth

        I thought Rosie was funnier when she was the host of Comedy Central stand up 15+ years ago. I still like her and find her funny, but disagree with most everything she says. Elizabeth is a prig, even though I am more in line with her thinking. This problem plagues me in my social life - lefties are more fun, but we can't talk politics. Conservative women in particular just don't "get" me, even though that's more my bent. So I'd rather put up with a loudmouth like Rosie whose at least earthy and funny if I'm looking for entertainment.
        "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams


          Rosie or Elizabeth

          I missed the big 'fight' on the View. But in general I agree with Rosie - although she is so abrasive it is hard to hear what she says at times. She is defeating her purpose by
          making people dislike her so much.
          Not even sure I've ever seen Elizabeth before but I have a feeling I wouldn't like her.

          guess I'm fairly liberal for a southern gal



            Rosie or Elizabeth

            Lisa, you said it much more eloquently than I did. That's what I meant. I too missed the fight but just dislike Rosie on principal and usually side against her without even listening to the facts. And I wonder why people don't listen to me and I have no friends!


              Rosie or Elizabeth

              Barb--you just made me laugh!! Then I looked at your mood for the day and laughed a bit more.
              I'm actually in an ok mood today - especially considering I went bridal gown/bridesmaid dress - shopping yesterday! eek- and today all I want to do is but on my 'comfy jeans' and go watch Johnny Depp in the new Pirate movie. Want to join me?



                Rosie or Elizabeth

                Lisa, I would love to, but I'm wearing shorts. Thanks for the invite. No popcorn, cuz I didn't workout today. Starting bootcamp tomorrow.


                  Rosie or Elizabeth

                  I am a Rosie fan, I belive in a lot of the causes she voices. I read her blog nearly daily. Elizabeth is just a little prop being used bu the Fox news channel to spew the right wing talking points. Just my little ol' opinion.


                    Rosie or Elizabeth

                    Who are rosie and Elizabeth,? politicians.?


                      Rosie or Elizabeth

                      I love you Paula...LOL They are crazy famous Americans...

                      You all hit it right on the head...actually Rosie has a decent message but she has such poor presentation that people stop listening. The minute she starts spitting, yelling, and disrecting everyone around her I completely tune out. I can not stand disrepect for anyone. I am VERY opionated, but there is a line between voicing an opinion and bullying and being disrespectful. I am very passionate about several issues but I don't have to act like a lunatic to get my point across and attact people personally. I think she would better suit her causes if she would stick to the cause and stop attacking people.


                        Rosie or Elizabeth

                        Well we have some crazy famous politicians who sometimes think they are
                        commediens, and the public are an adoring captive audience.
                        Thanks LUV.


                          Rosie or Elizabeth

                          Luv - you said it best (I still like what you said Lucky). She is so busy attacking that I don't listen to what she is saying.


                            Rosie or Elizabeth

                            Simey- I agree. I remember the first gal that they had on Debbie (can't even begin to try and spell her last name) and wether a ditz or not she played one on tv. I believe that the View was looking for that chemistry all along. Yes, they need to have opinionated people on their and I can't say that I dislike Rosie, but I did feel that she was bullying Elizabeth by not letting her talk. I do think Elizabeth handled the argument well. Just don't necessarily agree with all of her opinions. Actually not quite sure where she comes up with them
                            Here we go again.

                            AL FREE since Saturday the 14th of March 2009


                              Rosie or Elizabeth

                              I was watching the View when Rosie ripped apart that former Miss USA Tara whoever for her drinking problems. She really ripped and belittled her based on her addictions. I didnt think that was very cool, even beauty queens can fall and stumble too.
                              I LOVE MY SEROTONIN AND BOOZE SCREWS IT UP!!!!!


                                Rosie or Elizabeth

                                UH uh, I worked with Rosie. She is the most disgusting human being on the planet. She destroyed the publishing company I worked for and I lost my job. She wanted to put Mike Tyson , a rapist, on the cover of her magazine. She called people liars and told them that liars get cancer. She is a sick fuck. Anyone that thinks they know her doesn't. I do. Please excuse my language. I don't agree with Elizabeth's politics but even if i agreed with Rosie she is a the biggest piece of shit on the planet. I don't care if she is fat, a lesbian, or a loudmouth on that stupid show. She is a bad person down to the core.
                                Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL

