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Your favourite co-member

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    Your favourite co-member

    OK, I have a lots of favourites but I am going to narrow it down to a few and include my reason;

    Bear (MD) - I think he has a heart of gold and some of those bikey men are just all tough on the outside and the biggest sweethearts on the inside... that's our Bear! xo

    Nancy - Her pursuit and research of this issue, along with her wisdom & insight!

    Simey - She's a warm and kind hearted person... a real woman!

    Kitty - For her strength and sweetness.

    Got to stop!

    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:

    Your favourite co-member

    Scoobs, I have a lot of favorites you being one of them. let me see off the top of my head
    Luvuall....Amazing warm and generous
    Betty Boop..Always Kind and uplifting
    AA... He was my first.. I mean he was the first ever to respond to my post (hehe)
    WWbarb.. honesty pure and simple
    Janie...incredible woman..such compassion
    tea.. makes me laugh.adorable
    Really just to many to mention. Everyone has been incredible!


      Your favourite co-member

      This is a difficult one, but if I knew I was going to be stranded on a desert island and I could take only one person with me it would have to be non other then WEEMELONHEAD...

      They say laughter is the best medicine and she always makes me laugh so much, I would probably want to stay on the island for ever.. Also she is such a warm caring type of person, the ideal best friend...
      A F F L..
      Alcohol Free For Life


        Your favourite co-member

        I don't have a favorite, and I do not want one.


          Your favourite co-member

          I love nearly all of you!
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            Your favourite co-member

            Operative word is "nearly" LOL


              Your favourite co-member

              Oh gosh Scoob...why'd ya do this..
              Simey-cause I know I can call her day or night...laugh or cry...she is there for me..has been
              Bear- he just makes me wanna hug a Dad way. I JUST FEEL LIKE I CAN SAY ANYTHING TO HIM..he is funny, but serious. I just think he is probably a great Dad.
              Prest4time-because she lets me cry on her shoulder and gives me support and advise and knows where I am coming from when it comes to my Mom.
              Niblet- my good friend...we have went step for step AF days. Love you girl


                Your favourite co-member

                I strongly dislike this thread.


                  Your favourite co-member

                  What's a co-member? Sounds like a high school thing?


                    Your favourite co-member


                    THANKYOU - I came on site read this and went off immediately, it made me feel like I am persona-non grata - in other words if I am not chosen as a 'favourite' I am worthless.

                    Please can this thread be ended.
                    Just believe - that's all you have to do



                      Your favourite co-member

                      I agree, Its making me depressed cos my name's not mentioned!!!!!!


                        Your favourite co-member

                        Hey Guys, I don't Scoob intended this thread to make anyone feel bad. I think she meant certain indivivuals you hit a chord with thats all. I consider all of you dear and respect and admire you all. No offense was intened, I am sorry if anyone was hurt. We are all here trying to recover, that is the bottom line. I think it's clear that there are friendships among certain people by reading posts, and that is natural as we find out about each other.But no one person is excluded! I wish everyone the best


                          Your favourite co-member

                          :eeew: :getwell: :hitme: :flush: Hee Hee
                          In case ya wanna know how I feel about it...
                          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                            Your favourite co-member

                            Mine is Popeye, because we joined at exactly the same time, and we were there for each other, Also Brightfield and Jay42 as they are the ones that i've kept in touch with ....

                            Love you all though ........

                            BB xx


                              Your favourite co-member

                              I thought this thread was gonna be about co-members like Regis and Kathi Lee kinda thing. I didnt look at it cuz I never watch TV.

                              So today I came on and thought I would just put like Peter Pan and Wendy.

                              One year when I was voting I took my oldest son with me. He was a toddler then. And I said to him when we sat down to fill out my ballet...."who should we vote for?"
                              He said after much thought, "I think Peter Pan".
                              So guess what....I penciled in Peter Pan at the bottom of the list of Presidents and blackened in the box and turned in my ballet.

                              A wonder I didnt get arrested.

                              Anyway....doin the same here.

                              Uhmm.......I say my favorite co-member is.....well feelin controversal now since my son barely talks to


                              I always liked her better then Peter.
                              Gabby :flower:

