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All apologies

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    All apologies

    Morrison, when you are yourself around us that is the best compliment a person can give !! You feel safe enough with us and we feel safe enough with you and everybody else to be ourselves... That's what this is all about buddy... We all love what you bring to this table we all share... ~Niblet~

    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


      All apologies

      :bat OK Morrison, don't make me get out the bat....:damn:
      I like your post, even if you are ranting. To me it is your way of letting things go, and it is in character with your avatar. . . "He He"

      You are no different than anyone else here. I don't know how many times I sabatoged myself when I said I was not going to drink. I think it is a normal thing for us until we drive a stake in the ground and say no more. The problem being that it is hard to drive that stake in. To me it was akin to losing what mattered the most to me in the world. Realizing alcohol was that important to me and the severe depression it caused me is why I finally drove that stake in the ground. I do not want alcohol to be always in the back of my mind poking me oke: with "I hope I don't drink" or "I could drink and no one would know" or " the pills aren't important, you can do it alone" . Believe me, I have gone through it all.
      You can do this and you know you can, just keep working on it and never give up. The only ones who are without a plan are the ones who give up.

      You are a bigpart of our group and we are really glad you are here.

      What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
      ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


        All apologies

        Morrison, when I first "stumbled" onto this site a bit ago, you were a huge inspiration! I've wondered where you were, dude....tell us when you are going AWOL....I don't have to get out my pharmaceutical PDR to tell you that alcohol is a depressant, so drinking and taking anti-depressants is kinda have to counsel folks on that I know you know that already....good thing is, you do know, and have had the benefit of going on "vacation" to rid yourself of the demons for 60dys, but we all test the waters with a lil toe now and then, but we usually stump the big toe, and fall over....I don't know about guys, but as a female, when I overindulge, I'm such a bitch, nobody really cares if they have sex with me or not...(ok, thank goodness I've been married for 15yrs.,)...not that I'd remember anyway!!!....So if its just sex, its just sex, we all need intimacy right now, or at least I think so, and this site is like that...we can rant, tell all, whine, celebrate, whatever, and its unconditional love, we just need that to cuddle up to at makes it easier most times..(whew..that really did sound female didn't it..), you get back on the horse Morrison....we need you!!!!.... Blow off feeling bad about your post....big deal, you blew off steam, you needed too, we all, get back to those "you do good posts"....forget sex, acheive total bliss here!....
        "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


          All apologies

          Hi morrison,
          You're a good man.


            All apologies

            Don't hate yourself Morrison! I re-enforse what Popeye and Katesm say, YOU are a Good man. Bella xx


              All apologies

              'zactly, what would this site be if it was only people writing when they were going through good times? no help to any of us that's what.

              You are a good man, we miss you when you're not here.



                All apologies

                Hey Morrison,

                I too am back after a "wobble" - don't be too hard on yourself.

                You ARE back - that is what matters.

                Take care

                "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                  All apologies

                  Ditto everyone else, you know Morrison I always smile when i see your avatar, your posts are really witty .... You keep me smiling ....


                    All apologies

                    I don't think your posts were out of the ordinary and certainly dont think you have anyhing to apologize for.

                    Are you referring to your fantasies about Kevorkian?

                    or to your regrets after your last binge?

                    as for the former, I think suicidal fantasies among depressives are normal and need not involve any matching behavior.

                    and i already wrote what i thought about your last binge, that you were being too hard on yourself perhaps after doing well for a signfiicant period of time.

                    if everyone apologized for regrets about regrets we would need a whole new website.

                    i hope your meds work out for you but try to take it easy on yourself.

