My family don't see it that I have a problem, other than the fact that it is bothering me - they all understand my frustrations and what I'm dealing with internally and alcohol doesn't cause any major undesirable mood changes in me or anything like that, so I think it's a bit of a silent and subtle problem which is why I seem to be the only one recognising a problem. I feel that I do have a distorted relationship with alcohol. Even my GP isn't taking me seriously about it and brushes it aside and tells me how she eats a block of chololate (we are friends as well as GP/Patient). I've kept the drink tracker log so I have a few months worth of solid written history.
Mr Scoobs thinks I overdo it sometimes, but he doesn't think it's enough for me to abstain altogether. He's a very switched on kind of guy and doesn't have a drinking problem himself.
Am I just living a self fullfilled prophecy about my drinking issues?
I tried the Topa for 10 days but I didn't feel that it was helping me, as I can now see that it's the psychological habit in the social situations that I really need to address.
Since joining MWO, I generally don't drink on weeknights anymore (we run instead of drinking which is good) but yet am not able to control it over weekends and say on a Saturday night BBQ/Dinner will have up to 2 bottles of wine... Not good!!
We just had a big party for my dad this weekend so now that it's out of the way, I am going to try the 30 day ABS again. This time, I am making sure for the next 4 weekends, that we don't have dinner parties etc that would normally involve alcohol. I will just try to distance myself from it and the associations.
I'm also thinking of researching for a good psychiatrist who specialises in alcohol addiction/abuse. Has anyone else found that by talking with a psych helpful in changing the patterns for abstaining?
Every week by the time Thursday rolls around I am walking on cloud nine, so why I have anything to drink on that Friday night is just absurd really. I admit that I love the feeling of being tipsy but the feeling of AF is awesome!
I still don't know whether MODs is an option for me. I'm actually just getting tired of contemplating the subject and thinking about it!
Ughh... thanks for reading my rant.