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I am here again and need help/support

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    I am here again and need help/support

    Had been doing pretty well on the program without Topa.....for a couple months or so....until the last few am back to drinking and think I need to start all over again....but with Topa. So I will. Plan to get it from

    I was down to 3 beers a day and some days none at all but have fallen off the wagon in the last couple days. Saturday and Sunday were no alcohol. Mon/Tues/Wed were 6+ beers and I do not even know why.

    Anyway...I am planning to restart where I started before but with the Topa and need some advice/help as to what I can expect?

    I always felt kinda kiddy/buzzed on the Kudzu and think that is why it helped so it the same feeling taking the Topa?

    I am gonna restart with 3k mg of Kudzu per day split 3 times and the All One in the morning along with everything else called for in the program.

    Lastly...I feel like such a fool.....I just don't get it and I have that shame and regret feeling along with the feeling of being a failure.

    Thanks and God Bless everyone here!


    I am here again and need help/support

    No Way, Your not a failure. You have already proven to yourself that you can go without. A couple of months is a way long time. And a few days in nothing. Dont take that away from yourself. Its so good that you come here and post about it so you can get feedback. 3 beers and then stoppin is a lot of self control. I think more then havin none! Come've been doin awesome. I know what ya mean about the shame. I hate that stuff. Lets see....Jane said somethin about the ass in the tote bag and we were gonna all give up our a##$#. I thought we could put them in the dungeon. So I think we should have a special part in the dungeon for that yuckie ole shame too.
    We had National WTF Day Bumper Stickers in the make and well......I'm gonna find her so we can figure this out. Meanwhile Pete....cheer up and stay here at MYO this time.......k : ) Gabby


      I am here again and need help/support

      Hang in there. You are not that much different than most of us. Together we can make a change in our lives.
      Love and Peace,


        I am here again and need help/support

        Well, I sure can speak with authority here, cause I have a lot of experience trying to figure out how I screwed up!!

        Are you REALLY SURE you don't know why you messed up? Try to go back and think about it. Feelings you didn't want to deal with? Not taking good enough care of yourself? Letting boredom creep in? I've been guilty of all of these things and more, and then, too, just going, oh, what the H*LL!

        I'm not trying to sound critical or confrontational, but I think you really can figure out what was going on! I also agree with everyone above, that you've got a lot going for you and you've done a terrific job! It would be a shame to beat yourself up too much about this slip! I hope you'll do your best to learn from it and move on! Good luck with the topa, it should help a lot!

        All the best!


          I am here again and need help/support

          Hey Pete,
          Welcome back!! It's like home here.....everybody knows your name and we always let you back in!
          Gabby did a good job of filling you in on some of the crazy-funny stuff that has gone on. :lol There's also alot of nutritional info posted. (by cv) You may be sensitive to the sugar in your diet. It can set off the drinking and it is in everything ! Even turkey and bread and mayo!:rolleyes
          Start reading ingredient list on your food . Look for high fiber foods. It helps take care of some of the sugar. Personally I've had a hersey kiss (chocolate) addiction for years!
          I don't do the topa but do all the supps and the amino acid stuff.
          You did great in stopping for the time you did! Give yourself credit for that and just know that the shame thing is a trick of :evil to make you feel bad enough to drink more!

