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I'm in trouble
I'm in trouble
I've been out of control for a while now. I've lost my whole group of friends due to some thing that my husband did (long story). I am so alone and drink every day. I drink at least two bottles of wine at night, have gained so much weight, and am completely out of control. I think about suicide every day but can't do that to my kids. I've been avoiding leaving my house except to go to work. My family only bothers with me when they need money or something. At this point I wish that I could just go to sleep..Tags: None
I'm in trouble
Hi Momma and welcome. You have come to the right place to get your life back on track with regards to al. I too was a 2 bottle a day drinker, everyday ending in a Y was my drinking day. I held a job and have 4 children. My life was going nowhere, i could find no point, no happiness, just my friend al. At the end of the day though i made the decision to give up al and 9 months later i am not that person anymore. I do advise you go to the drs as you do sound very depressed and down, get rid of all the al out of the house and make yourself accountable on here. I still come to mwo twice daily or more. this is my AA, this is my support network. The best thing you can do is to stop drinking. I was scared and petrified. What would my life be like? What would i do? Giving up al is the best thing i have done in my life. Sure it is hard, its an addiction and like all addictions we have to withdraw but i love my life now, i never want to drink again.
Head over to the newbies nest and read and read. Be accountable to not drinking and you will never ever regret your decision.
I have no anxiety, depression or anything now i have stopped drinking. Make today the start of your new life Momma.AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom
I'm in trouble
Hey Momma. I agree with Ava that you should talk to a doc. You mentioned you lost all your friends but ... When was the last time you reached out to any of them? After 8 years working on a psych ward there is usually at least one person there for you. Even if I'm wrong we're here for you. Tell us your story. As Ava said visit the newbies nest, envision the life you want and never feel bad about you. Ever.“If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.” – Zen proverb
"See it as it is, not worse than it is just so you have a reason not to try." - Tony Robbins.
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I'm in trouble
Welcome momma - one thing for sure is that your drinking isn't helping anything about your situation. When you stop you will start feeling better about you. And maybe you can meet new friends too. The newbies nest is a great place to start out here - check it out and read and post! Make a plan - make sure you know what you will do when your brain is telling you that you want a drink. The cravings are pretty tough at first but if you power through those with a good plan and the support here it does get easier.