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    I know this thread won't be popular, but I just had to say somethign about having a missing child.

    My son was missing for 12 years, I know not in the same category as Madeline's parents, as i knew it was his dad that took him.

    But for 12 years I didn't know where he was or if he was ok, or whatever.

    But I know the bigger fuss I made, the more the information shut down, sorry to say but if someone takes your kid they don't want to be found, and the more media fuss the more underground he will go.

    I really hope she is found and soon, before more damage is done, but if I had had the money for private investigators, I think my son would have been found sooner, and would have been less damaged.

    Both of us are trying to come to terms with the years lost, and because he wanted to know me his dad has now disowned him, where is the love?....

    I shouldn't compare, but I feel empathy with these parents, and feel they should be doing it privately, as to avoid the worst, don't know if anyone understands????
    :thanks: :h


    Jasmin, I can't even imagine and my heart breaks everytime I hear of a missing child. I honestly don't know what I would do. I am so glad that you and your son were reunited that must have been devastating. HUGS
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."



      Jas, I do understand. I saw a news report this morning that new DNA was found on the bed where Mattie was. I thought to myself my on earth would they tell the media that. I thought that would only make the person who took her more desperate to get rid of her someway. I often wonder if the Natile Holloway case would have been solved if they had kept it out of the media and just worked the case. I truly feel for you Jas, being without your boy for 12 years and then trying to build a relationship. Has to be draining. I understand your circumstances, and why you kept authorities out of it. you had to keep your hope alive.
      ugs & Smiles



        Jasmin, that must have been awful for you .....

        Here in the UK a lot of people are raising funds for private investigations to be carried out, I can't imagine how the parents must be feeling ...

        Thanks for starting this ...

        BB xx



          Our prayers are with you and your son as you repair the breaches that have been made...May God bless you and restore that which the enemy has stolen sevenfold!
          :boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer:




            I am so glad you are able to have a relationship w/ur son. It must have been heartbreaking. My best friend's sister ran away at age 11 or 12. The family wondered a long time if she were dead and how, etc. At age 23 she suddenly contacted the family, don't know the details, but she is well, ended up in Las Vegas as a BJ dealer and has one kid.

            I know her mother suffered silently with a large hole in her, it was her youngest.

            I sympathize with you and pray that Mattie's parents have closure, hopefully by her turning up alive, but either way......not have to wonder for years.



              12 years, I would die....literally die. I am so so happy that you are reunited! Just so happy.



                Wow, Jasmin I can't even imagine what that must be like for you. I'm so glad you have your son back. May you build an even stronger bond :h :l
                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:



                  Jasmin, my heart goes out to you. I can't even imagine the pain and suffering you experienced. Wishing you a speedy recovery and a wonderful future with your son.



                    jasmin. I'm floored by this. I don't know what to say. Please continue to post if it helps you. Don't ever worry about a popular thread. PM me if you want. I truly feel for your situation.
                    where does this go?



                      I'm so glad you have him back now, it must have been so awfull without him.
                      Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.



                        Hi awful for you all. I really hope your son feels secure and loved now and you are well on the way to forging a strong bond.

                        The madeleine Mc cann case has really touched the heart of so many and i feel for people whose children have disappeared and the family are left to cope daily with little support or none.

                        i pray for the the people who do this to the innocent kids..may their minds change and instead of pursuing evil they are inspired to make the right choices/decisions in their lives.

                        thank you for sharing Jas what is and was a painful experience......thinking of you cassy



                          Jasmin up at 4 am this morning and have you on my mind...just can not imagine your torture, your wonder you drink girl. My biggest fear...seriously have told my Mama a hundred times, is for one of my children to be kidnapped. The unknown would torment I am most definately sure it did you. My heart breaks for your years of pain, the lost time, the missed hugs, the missed kisses. I am just so happy for you that you have him now. I bet you just have to keep touching him to make sure he's real...I would. I just want to hug you both. I read this and just cried. I just hugged my little boy last night. Much love to you both and your whole family.

