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question about ADRAFINIL
question about ADRAFINIL
Hi getting~
Take a look in the Topamax, Campral, Naltrexone, Baclofen, other meds section. A thread on it was started-you might find an answer there.:flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic
question about ADRAFINIL
I ordered it from and didn't have to fill ANY KIND of SCRIP SHEET....I just filled out a standard order form..I thought it was pretty strange since it is supposed to be a "drug" was just like ordering any other vitamin/ it a controlled substance/drug or not?....actually I am pretty confused on this (or is it the TOPA doing this????).....I know that you have to have a prescription in some countries but it seems that you don't need one in all countries (i.e. the US).
It does seem that I read somewhere that it will make you pop positive if you take a drug test which has me a LITTLE concerned as I may be looking for a new job soon....
I just took some yesterday and it DOES seem to help with the TOPA DOPA which has been affecting me quite a bit.
Overall, I am having more questions than answers on Adrafinil.....I've done quite a few internet searches on it being a controlled substance and come up with information on both ends of the spectrum....I've also searched for info on it when it comes to drug tests and the info seems to relate primarily to tests having to do with professional sports (of which I am not a part) so perhaps I have nothing to worry about.:boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer:
question about ADRAFINIL
I just started my Adrafanil today. I also got it from nubrain with no questions asked. The packaging wasn't too impressive. It may be coming from soemone's basement! :H
Anyway, I seem to be having a good day, but we'll see if it helps tonight.
Has anyone gotten Topamax online? I'm afraid the doc will say no...
question about ADRAFINIL
People take the adrafanil to get rid of the "fuzziness" and "tiredness" Topamax gives them. Topamax is the med. that RJ recommends to help with the cravings.
And yes, quite a few people order from the internet. See the posts under Topamax, Campral, Naltrexone, Baclofen, other meds . is one most go thru.:flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic
question about ADRAFINIL
You are right about the packaging PinkLady...looks like it came from someone's garage/basement...not very impressive at all...really makes you wonder...I wondered about the legality ANYWAY but it MUST be legal in the States otherwise they would have already have been shut down.
I've been using the Adrafinil for a couple of days now and it DOES seem to help a bit with the fogginess...though I am a bit hesitant to use it becuase I am wondering about the legality....just a bit unsure at this point...but perhaps if I just use it for a week or two to get me over the hump....
On the - Online Health Superstore seems to be the best place to get it...that is where I got mine though now that I know it works I am seriously considering printing up all of the articles and going to my doctor with them and fessing up...telling him that I've tried it and it worked and I'd like a valid scrip for it since it is really the only thing that seemed to work for me....perhaps if I level with him he'll work with me....:boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer:
question about ADRAFINIL
Demimalti --- You read my mind! I was thinking of trying it on my own so that I could bring a success story to my doctor! I was also thinking that it might be good to get some of that alcohol out of my system before he takes all those blood tests! :H
Thanks for the info!
question about ADRAFINIL
demimalti.. that is what I did.. I took it.. then told my doc it worked. She had heard of it and was happy it was working for me and happuy to give it to me.. I actually felt better talking to her about it, too....Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.