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Weird shit happening

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    Weird shit happening

    Last night (end of day 2) I had a shit night's sleep. I tossed and turned. Although I fell asleep at 9.00pm, i was then awake again at midnight and drifting in and out all night. After being awake this morning, felt amazing after an hour. Then went to gym. Felt even more amazing after that, and had a leisurely drive (yay) in the car to a friend's house, drank ice cold filtered water all night, nibbled on chips and talked crap. Got itchy hands tonight. its all a bit weird. I feel great, but i'm itchy. head, face, hands... legs... is this normal after 3 days? I don't remember this happening last time I was drying out. Anyone else experience this?

    Weird shit happening

    i itched. not this quit but yes, itchy. good going on day three.


      Weird shit happening

      If in doubt MM go to the drs. Remember drinking wont fix it. I didnt itch but i didnt sleep well, had shocking headaches for 5 weeks or so and damn i cant remember now what else i had. how good is that?
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        Weird shit happening

        I have the itching.....almost like things crawling on my skin and biting me along the way....I am on day one again after slipping up yesterday after a frustrating visit to a jag off doctor who needs to retire......anyhow, I get horrible headaches, strange dreams, (if I am lucky enough to sleep at all) and the worst is this feeling that I am SUPER sensitive....I jump out of my skin with loud noises, if something brushes against me, it feels as if I were punched, my brain goes a mile a minute, but I can't focus, (strange).....I HATE this feeling....but I have to remember that I hate the feeling I get after I have drunk a six pack of beer....I hate looking in the mirror at my beer belly, (I used to be so thin I could wear a size 4!!! and this was when I was aged 30!) I hate all the lost autumn days drinking in front of a computer.....I hate the view of the inside of a toilet.....

        So...yes, the itching seems to be "normal".....this too shall pass.......just try and remember why you're stopping....that, for me at least, is what keeps my eyes on the "prize": sobriety and LIFE!!

        Good job on day 3...or is that day 4 now.....


          Weird shit happening

          You guys both sound like you could be suffering from tactile hallucinations, which is a symptom of moderate-possibly severe withdrawal. I hate sounding so pedantic, but I really feel there is a genuine lack of understanding on this forum as to how dangerous alcohol withdrawal really is. Alcohol and benzodiazepine withdrawals are the only withdrawals from which you could actually die. Both of you need to keep close tabs on your symptoms and run (don't walk!) to the nearest emergency room if things worsen. Ideally you should both be medically detoxed. I hope neither of you are trying to detox alone.
          In the middle of my life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood, as I had lost the straight path. It is a difficult thing to speak about, how wild, harsh and impenetrable that wood is. Just thinking about it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death, but in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there. --Dante, paraphrased


            Weird shit happening

            If they are on day 3 or 4 I would think the worst of the withdrawal symptoms have passed, I don't think they could die at this point.


              Weird shit happening

              DTs, when they do kick in, come around day 3. While they only happen in a small percentage of detoxing alcoholics the point is that one is not out of the woods at day 3 or 4. The seriousness of the tactile hallucinations should not be minimized.

              Hart - I'm disappointed to no longer see a pencil next to your name
              In the middle of my life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood, as I had lost the straight path. It is a difficult thing to speak about, how wild, harsh and impenetrable that wood is. Just thinking about it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death, but in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there. --Dante, paraphrased


                Weird shit happening

                Alky;n2511929 wrote: DTs, when they do kick in, come around day 3. While they only happen in a small percentage of detoxing alcoholics the point is that one is not out of the woods at day 3 or 4. The seriousness of the tactile hallucinations should not be minimized.

                Hart - I'm disappointed to no longer see a pencil next to your name
                Alky, can you help me... what does the pencil mean? By the way, my itching has stopped. Sweaty palms, but I ran a 5k today in 24.14 and physically I feel fine. I really do. Please don't worry about me. Cornczech though... you sound like you should really go easy on yourself. You use the word hate a lot. I think... hate what you were, but don't hate who you want to become. I think its so important to have a positive view of who you really are under the surface. You care about what you look like, it says you are a good person underneath. hold onto that.

