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Since March

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    Since March


    I'm so happy to hear from you!
    I still pray for Donnie to be safe and for you.

    My son's reserve unit is training now to go back to Iraq in the fall. He was there in 2003-2004. (
    He had to drop out of seminary and leave his sweet wife of just seven months....
    Needless to say it has been a very sad ,stressful time here and will be even more so this fall.
    I'm doing ok on mods but there are still times when I could just chuck it all for a bottle or two. The problem then is not only have I blown my goals, but I feel more depressed and yucky.
    We are all a work in progress.
    Glad you have joined us again.
    :l Nancy
    "Be still and know that I am God"

    Psalm 46:10


      Since March

      Hi Em,

      Sooooo glad you're back!


        Since March


        Saint Jude, Popeye, Southern Belle!!!, Chrysa and all of you angels - thanks! - for writing.
        It's SO easy to turn to the bottle isn't it? To deal with lonliness, emptiness, hurt, frustration, disappointment, fear, anger and all of those other terrifying emotions. And I forgot boredom. Right now my goal is to get through the next 9 days of this academic year and then spend more time here (online) and trying to progress in learning about myself and why I choose the quick escape route. As someone said, it really gets you nowhere.
        Ya, Iraq just sucks for all of us. Osama, where are you anyways? Since my life's mission has been as an historian, and one who tries to foster a love and respect for the past in young people, I find this current venture just depressing to the max. World War II vets talked in my classes last week - what a different war that was and how high we held our heads as Americans then. When I was a teenager - many, many moons ago, I worked in a restaurant during the summer. The chef had been a marine in the Pacific during W.W.II and every night after closing he got as drunk as anyone possibly could on shots and beer. I don't quite know why I'm saying this except that, I guess, alcohol is a great escape elixir. Well anyways, I blather on....I'm not going to change the world, my school, or anything. Professional disappointments befall all of us, life hurts at times,
        personal lives get messed up, but we go on, don't we? I just have to find a way to go on that makes sense to me, helps to overcome pains from the past but yet gives hope for the future. (all without turning to chardonnay as the saving grace.) maybe tons of ice cream!!! Em


          Since March

          Yes..we go on the grace of God..because that is what he/she so ordains for with faith & hope.

          Nancy..I didn't know your son was in seminary..what seminary?...

 & Donnie have made it this far!!! ...when is he scheduled to come home???...

