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One Step at a Time - October 2014

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    I was draging tushy at the gym but I went and did the weights...then came home.
    Doing laundry.....I need a nap zzzzzzz

    Newbie's Nest

    Tool Box
    AF 9.1.2013


      I went to the gym and came home and DID have a nap .....
      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


        Originally posted by mama bear View Post
        YAY on the treadmill and bowflex Fenny!!
        Mama, I celebrated too soon.

        I scurried into my work-out clothes and skedaddled down to the basement, programmed my work-out into the tread mill control panel, and shivering with anticipation, began my walk...and the tread mill began wobbling like crazy! I jumped off and took a gander at the underside of the thing...can you believe that the moving gomers lost the left front wheel of the tread mill? How could they see the cup holders and wheel in their truck and not surmise that these things might be of some importance? I called the repair guys and told them that when the needed parts finally arrive, they will need to bring a wheel in addition. This is turning into a very frustrating and expensive move. :ambivalence:


          Went to mom's today. She reported that her oxygen concentrator had been alarming last night...and today, there was a yellow warning light on by the O2 icon. She'd called the home health people, and they told her to give things a few hours to see if they straightened out. She'd not used her oxygen the whole night because she was afraid.

          I called the home health peeps and explained what was going on. The woman I spoke with said that the machine was clearly not producing enough oxygen and that they would switch out the unit today. I took mom mall walking with her portable O2 unit. I will check in with her shortly to see if the new unit was delivered.

          I decided to go to a "Mom and Pop" type appliance store. I was in and out of the store within eight minutes! No attempts to up sell or wangle me into a costly and unnecessary extended warranty or protection agreement. No more big box appliance purchases for me.


            Fennel Nutkin....what a day! Your mom must have been terrified...poor thing!
            Sorry about the treadmill
            Glad you squeezed a nap in Sunshine!
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              K9, that sucks about last Friday! However, I don't think you fall into "'Tucky" category. It has to be hard to see Sierra packing up. Will she have to switch schools? Isn't that going to be hard for her?

              Dottie, maybe you should take a nap.


                X post, Mama!

                Sounds like 'Tucky is really working some nerves at the office with her demands. I'm glad your boss is going to lower the boom on her.

                Yes, my mom was scared...the home health lady told me to tell mom that they are on call 24/7, and she should always call, no matter how late. Sadly, mom's problem solving skills are declining.

                How is Dixie kitty doing?


                  Fitbit said I did 10 floors today doing laundry. If we ever get down this house will have to go....but where would we go with 5 dogs????? Keeps my legs in good shape...
                  DWTS tonight. I am getting tired of the show but nothing else is on.
                  fen if I took a nap I wouldn't sleep tonight.....drat..

                  Newbie's Nest

                  Tool Box
                  AF 9.1.2013


                    Dixie is a crazy cat Fenny. She is so fun to watch as she zooms around the house. Old Lucky cat just sits and watches her dash around.
                    Niner, trust me, You may good crazy, but you sure aren't Tucky crazy!
                    Dinner is in the oven and I am flopping.
                    Nana loves DWTS, Dots.
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      Sierra comes home tonight from her weekend at her dad's. I still can't believe she is moving out. The plan is for her to go in a couple of weeks. I'll be honest, it makes me want to drink, but then again, I don't want to either...for ME. I have GOT to get back to the gym. I was watching Dr. Phil at lunch time and a woman the same height and weight as me was considered obese....I was like WTF??? Just MORE good news. Plus I'm a bit short on rent this month, I hope my landlord gives me 4 extra days until Payday. I feel like everything is just crumbling. Sorry to be such a sour puss today!!!
                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        I'm here! Roll call. My internet has been a nightmare the last few reading back!! :newhere:
                        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
               tool box
               newbie nest


                          Hey everyone - so sorry about Sierra K9 - it must be so hard for you to see this happening - has she lived with him before or has she always been with you ? How old is she ?

                          Dottie - I love having stairs - my Fitbit shows 50 flights for today !! I will go up or down simply 'cos I can ! It is good exercise ! I will still sleep tonight even though I did have a nap today - I didn't feel too swift to be honest - I took 1/4 of an AB and felt rough - it is odd that sometimes it affects me and other times it is fine. I do think it is something I am eating with it - but cannot work out what. Nothing has vinegar or anything remotely alcoholic in it - this morning I had a 100% whole grain English muffin, butter and jam - and my tummy was off !! I was fine before that so I don't know.

                          I have been recording DWTS and have four to watch - LOL Five if it is on tonight .... as I am shortly going to bed with a book !!

                          Oh Fen - I am so sorry about your treadmill ! What a bummer for you. And yes, I agree - the moving men should have noticed a wheel in their truck!!! How long before you get the parts ? And gosh, what a scare for your mum - why didn't she call you last night if she was worried ? Instead of not using her O2 all night ..... I am glad that it is sorted anyway - does she know to call the people if she has a problem now ?

                          Our AC is still out - the motor has gone. On a four year old Trane ..... The motor is under warranty but the labour isn't - they had to come out 4 weeks ago, that cost us, then today cost us and we will have to pay for the motor to be installed - really annoying for a four year old Trane Heat Pump that was NOT cheap !!! At least the weather is cooling down tonight anyway - we are just not used to not having AC so have been spoiled.

                          I am off to bed .....

                          Hugs to all,

                          sun XXX
                          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                            Well everyone seems to be getting very very fit with this bit thing!! I am decidedly the unfit-est I have ever been...:sad: Sun you sound really good! And we'll done on napping... I was listening to a young woman the other day who said one of her hobbies along with music and bungee jumping was napping! I loved that.
                            Feni couldn't belive the home health people told your mom to wait a few hours to see if th stank adjusted!! Are you kidding!! Did they ask her how long she could hold her breath??? I'm so glad you are there with her.!

                            K9 is the move a definite ? And naïf itches well, you have us...I know we're a poor substitute ... :heartbeat:

                            Liz,are you on vaca yet...I am so sorry I missed that.

                            Reccie you give amazing synopsis ' to the thread. Sometimes I cheat and just read your posts so I know what's going on!! Nora does great cliff notes too!

                            Okay Mama...I haven't read back far enough for the latest Tucky Demands but it sounds like she is truly clueless about the precariousness of her situation she really that dim???

                            FT are you home for good now? Forgive me I know I missed some progress and I hope all works out with your finance. As the great Ike Turner once said... ' Who knows what da women's be think in' ...' An oracle of female wisdom our Ike...

                            Dots, I need to come to your house so you can kick my butt up and down those stairs. I think that's that's the only way I'm going to get any movement on a Fitbit !

                            Pauly, Sedona calls out to me tonight while she is reading, ' mom what does this sentence mean... ' Harriet said she would shave her head if she had to look at her hideous permanent a moment longer...' I was dying . It never occurred to me she wouldn't know what a permanent was! And then I thought, Gee, do you guys still give people permanents? Maybe you should resurrect the style! I am sorry the kids are laying these ridiculous situations on you but great job on not searching out our old coping mechanism!! :welldone:

                            Getting late and I'm sorry if I missed anyone. The days are melting into one another and that's not always a good thing. .. Feels like I am on auto pilot- not really moving forward....Mathieu will graduate but it's going to be very difficult to find the money, to not want to fly to AZ and scoop him up and continue to watch him slowly grind his way to the finish line... So to speak.

                            Heading to bed. Love you all. Nite nite
                            On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                            *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
                   tool box
                   newbie nest


                              Nora...sorry. I am brain dead. Big hugs to you:hug::hug: and great to see you TMHealth. You make me want to learn golf...
                              Sorry about the weird auto Correct K9 - reminds me of when I would write down very profound jibberish after seventy two glasses of Chardonnay ...
                              Nite all
                              On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                              *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
                     tool box
                     newbie nest


                                Kradle - LOVED the way you worded that - 'when I would write down very profound jibberish after seventy two glasses of Chardonnay ...

                                So glad that Matt is going to be graduating - that must be a relief to you. I laughed at Sedona not knowing what a perm was !! I remember that smell when my mum did hers ! Hated it !

                                Yes I am doing okay at the moment apart from the darn AB upsetting my tummy ...sometimes! I wish I knew why it does it - I would be fine with taking it if it didn't make me feel poorly but I felt the pits yesterday! Hopefully today will be better.

                                Well - off to get ready for work. Oh my daughter has asked me if I will go to water aerobics with her on Friday so I have said yes - of course it won't register on my fibit (!!) but she said it is a really hard work out .....

                                Hugs, Sun XX
                                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

