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An invitation to the 'lurkers'

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    An invitation to the 'lurkers'

    Hi all, I've noticed that lots of people sign in here everyday but never post ....

    It may be that they like to read and don't want to post ....

    But if you're a 'nervous' lurker ..... Jump in here and say hellooooo .......

    We are all here for you ......

    Love BB xx

    An invitation to the 'lurkers'

    Yes. Been lurking. Scared witless. Don't know what to do. But thanks.



      An invitation to the 'lurkers'

      Hi Airbag!:welcome: Glad ya found us! We don't bite. How're ya doing?
      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


        An invitation to the 'lurkers'

        hi airbag

        just post when you feel you want to, the best thing is that you are here and reading. have you recieved your meds/supps yet?


          An invitation to the 'lurkers'

          Yes I agree with Betty Boop about all the shy and nervous members...

          At sometime we have all stood on the outside looking in and wishing we could just do it. Well, whats stopping you, just jump right in, write that first or second post, come on, you might suprise yourself..

          Don't forget, those among us who post several times a day now, well, at one time we too " lurked ", so what are you all waiting for..

          Waiting to hear from you all,

          Love, Louise xxx
          A F F L..
          Alcohol Free For Life


            An invitation to the 'lurkers'

            i lurked for over a year, wish i'd 'lept in' alot sooner. i suppose i didnt feel ready, but in retrospect, i was. ho hum, i'm here now and glad of it.

            btw irishlady, love your avatar!


              An invitation to the 'lurkers'

              Betty Boop, what a great thread....yes, if you are lurking...and wish to stay that way ..THAT IS FINE TOO, but, if you want to join in...please do so...just jump on in any time. No formal introduction needed...just jump in. We'll be happy to have you.


                An invitation to the 'lurkers'

                Thanks for posting this thread! I discovered this site last night but didn't really know where to start. I've found the stories here inspirational. I've been drinking far too much since the age of 18 (I'm now 41), but the last 10 years have been particularly damaging and I feel that if I don't try to stop now it will spiral totally out of control. I may 'lurk' for a while before posting again because I'm feeling fragile but I just wanted to say hello.
                AF since December 22nd 2008
                Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                  An invitation to the 'lurkers'

                  Jumping in to say "hi"
                  AF April 9, 2016


                    An invitation to the 'lurkers'

                    Hi airbag, marshy, & db, WELCOME .......

                    Lovely to see you posting ..... You made the first step ....

                    Love & Hugs, BB xx


                      An invitation to the 'lurkers'

                      :welcome: airbag, marshy & db,

                      Glad to have you here. Have a good read and jump in when you feel ready.

                      Great thread BB!!

                      Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                        An invitation to the 'lurkers'

                        Okay now I feel compelled to crawl out of my hole! I feel I know most of you so well as I've been lurking for a few months. You are all very inspirational on this lonely journey and I thank you all for sharing your lives here


                          An invitation to the 'lurkers'

                          Hi Panadol, Welcome ........ I love your name ...

                          BB xx


                            An invitation to the 'lurkers'

                            To all newbies & lurkers.....
                            glad you found us! Attached files [img]/converted_files/260019=1076-attachment.gif[/img]
                            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                              An invitation to the 'lurkers'

                              Hi airbag, marshy and db,

                              And if you post and no one seems to answer, check and see how many are viewing. There may not be very many, so if no one answers right away don't take it personally. They will soon enough.

                              If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger

