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An invitation to the 'lurkers'

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    An invitation to the 'lurkers'

    Hi Everyone,

    I lurk every day but only post from time to time. I get so much out of reading the posts. I am taking the topa and trying AF during the week and Mods on the weekend. Hoping this works but too soon to tell. It is wonderful to be at a place that is so accepting.
    AF Since April 20, 2008
    4 Years!!!


      An invitation to the 'lurkers'

      Welcome all you lurkers, I too lurked for some time before I got the courage to post
      and it's the best thing I ever did.


        An invitation to the 'lurkers'

        :welcome: Hi newcomers, glad you joined us.

        Great thread Betty.:h
        Enlightened by MWO


          An invitation to the 'lurkers'

          Hello there Newcomers and lurkers.
          Really glad you made it.

          Great idea Betty.


            An invitation to the 'lurkers'

            Welcome newcomers and Lurkers!! Just jump in and say hi.

            Great idea Betty.
            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


              An invitation to the 'lurkers'

              Hello from Austin. Been lurking around here off and on for a number of months & downloaded the book way before that. I've wanted to post more but seem to have little time. I use the time I am here to try to learn from you all. Many wise people here.
              Still looking for a way to deal with myself. Di


                An invitation to the 'lurkers'

                Hi Di, and Welcome!!!!!!!

                Glad that you have decided to post ......

                Love BB xx


                  An invitation to the 'lurkers'

                  I post occasionally but am quite content to read and learn from the experience of others. You learned ones have much to teach us newbies. I am in my 13th week on topa, 200mg. I am 76 days AF and I owe a lot of that to the support unknowingly provided to me by all you wonderful folks on these boards. Most deeply I thank you.
                  Reach deep, find your will power.


                    An invitation to the 'lurkers'

                    The Cat, who is pretending to be frog, welcomes you too.
                    The more the merrier.
                    We all learn from each other.
                    So by being here with us, and contributing you are helping the cause.
                    Best wishes,


                      An invitation to the 'lurkers'

                      This is a great thread! Welcome lurkers!!! Please start posting more. I am kinda bored with the frequent posters.

                      Just kidding!!!


                        An invitation to the 'lurkers'

                        Marcel, you have achieved so much and should be so proud. 76 Days is wonderful. Maybe you should post more to teach us something, eh??
                        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                          An invitation to the 'lurkers'

                          Hi to everyone!

                          I have only posted twice --- I guess mainly due to having more questions than anwers! I am doing a lot of reading now--- both here and the book. Also, just started adrafinil today because someone said it helped them. Basically just starting out --- hopeful that this will be a private solution to my "secret."

                          Is anyone else afraid to go to their doctor? I know I need to change, but I am afraid he won't give me Topamax. Also, what if he finds something wrong? Ignorance is bliss sometimes!

                          I hope I have a better evening than last night. Although I found this site a week ago, I haven't been able to change my habits yet. My goal right now is to make it home from work without stopping for a bottle of wine. Scary!

                          Well, thanks for letting me speak my fears. It helps!



                            An invitation to the 'lurkers'

                            Hi Pink! I didn't go to my doctor for Topa either however I did order it from an online pharmacy. - Online Health Superstore and in RJ's book it outlines how to titrate up with the mg's.

                            Just remember there is always today and we learn from yesterday...
                            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                              An invitation to the 'lurkers'

                              Thanks Beaches! I really appreciate the info. I'll check it out!


                                An invitation to the 'lurkers'

                                Pink, also go to the Topamax, Campral etc...thread. It's really helpful.
                                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

