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Army Monday 20 October

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    Morning Sweetypeapie! You better now?
    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


      Originally posted by DreamThinkDo View Post
      And just throw out something that you've kept for decades and never needed - or even knew what it was meant for - and bingo, three days later you need it.

      Wish I could be a minimalist.
      How very feckin true!


        Originally posted by DreamThinkDo View Post
        Morning Sweetypeapie! You better now?
        Hey Dreamy

        Better, in that, I don't have the v and d any longer, but do feel like have been run over by a great big bus. Lethargy, muscle aches etc...

        How are you?


          Morning Sweetpie, so pleased you didn't struggle into work.............hope you've taken enough time to get really well.

          I'm sure there was a challenge about keeping the things we really need somewhere.............orff to the gods of google.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Couldn't find it........... but did find out its Christopher Wren's 382nd birthday.:congratulatory:
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Morning Molls n Jacks

              Just heading off to get my groceries for the week. Hopefully check-in with yis later if the friends and the pup aren't up here and I get some peace!


                Originally posted by sweetpea29 View Post
                Hey Dreamy

                Better, in that, I don't have the v and d any longer, but do feel like have been run over by a great big bus. Lethargy, muscle aches etc...

                How are you?
                We don't have to tell you what to do to get better, do we?

                I'm fine, just in no mood at all to do anything - and there's tons and tons and tons to be done...

                Molly, can't you just take pics of the baby things and then pass on to somebody who could use them? I'm getting better at getting rid of books, but that does not mean much.
                14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                  Originally posted by DreamThinkDo View Post
                  And just throw out something that you've kept for decades and never needed - or even knew what it was meant for - and bingo, three days later you need it.

                  Wish I could be a minimalist.
                  thats not helping.

                  Originally posted by sweetpea29 View Post
                  Hey Dreamy

                  Better, in that, I don't have the v and d any longer, but do feel like have been run over by a great big bus. Lethargy, muscle aches etc...

                  How are you?
                  thats the paint fumes.
                  Originally posted by mollyka
                  well I foolishly gave Laura some of Simon's baby things for little Jamie --- but they weren't even talking at the time (Si and Laura) so I reckon they got binned I've never seen them on Jamie.... that made me sad -- so yeah ---- I've got precious with them --- but there aren't a lot of THEM --- the books mind you --- jesus --- my first grown up books - the Jalna series? no WAY could I throw them out --- was in love with Piers when I was 12:happy2:
                  ive got some school books from when i was eleven, blue peter annuals, old school library books. theyre not in the garage.


                    I wonder if there's a hoarder's MWO.

                    I've got Mark Knopfler's Physics text book in the loft.............he was in the 6th form when I was in the 1st.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      i have some unpublished photos of the sex pistols and souxsie soux before she was.

                      dddddddddddddddddddd ssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, just checking.


                        Originally posted by mollyka
                        I have every single drawing and painting all my 4 kids did in primary and secondary school --- they nearly need a room of their own
                        I'll see your drawings and paintings and raise you a kitchen door covered in those wee apple stickers in the garage...........We used to let them put the sticker on from age 3ish and over the years watched as the stickers got higher and higher.........when we got new inner doors we kept that one.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                 Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

                          I've a box, labelled SS - for SentimentalShit - filled with sentimental shit. Birthday cards and notes from friends at school, but no Knopfler Physix text book, sorry to say. Was he already famous when you used his book?
                          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                            Originally posted by DreamThinkDo View Post
                   Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

                            I've a box, labelled SS - for SentimentalShit - filled with sentimental shit. Birthday cards and notes from friends at school, but no Knopfler Physix text book, sorry to say. Was he already famous when you used his book?
                            No and why I kept that book is beyond was huge and I loathed Physics...........perhaps I knew.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Got another one.............a laminated clip from a newspaper announcing Mr JC's under 16 church team group win the County's RE quiz
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                We have to have a round of applause if Mr JC throws a holey sock out.........he'd be bereft if I got rid of that.
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

