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Army Thursday 23 October

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    good to know there is a bill at all, even if it is slow in being actioned.

    Comment to do the SHOUTY OUTY thing.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        they are already responsible. i think the bill is about training. i sped read too.........embarrassed smilie.


          oh, and like you, people wouldnt know i was drunk.


            Originally posted by mollyka
            maybe best I read the article proper loike --- back in a few mins
            tell us what it says.


              Originally posted by mollyka
              pretty much what I'm just after doin --- tho the painting IS finished courtesy of Derek ---- where does all the STUFF come from????

              don't mind her Rox ---- school-marm in a previous existence I bet haha!!!!

              Now - HAVE to admit I just sped read that --- my problem with bartenders being made responsible would be ---- for instance back in my pub drinking days --- NO ONE (and this is genuine --- my friends and Joe would corroborate it) would know I was pissed --- I put on the best sober act on the planet ---- just got a bit funny and mebbe a wee bit louder --- nothin else ---- but if (and when - unfortunately) I went and drove a car I was literally a lethal weapon --- could it come to the stage that if I had killed someone -- a 20 something year old barperson could in some way be held responsible for giving me the drink???? again --- I didn't read the details.......
              Yeah well ye know it's NEVER our fault !!! ?:happy2:
              And the government will skirt around the issue forever. Revenue from alcohol will suffer & the vintners trade too are strong lobbyists.
              Didn't really read the thing properly - it's to 1000 souls lost in 12 months that caught my eye. ..

              Simple : if they were serious about stopping drunk driving / aggro/ and 'carnage on the roads'?
              Police sit outside pub entrances @ closing time?
              THEY WILL NEVER DO THAT !!


                you and food, ttshhch..........funny sound you make, like a tut but not.


                  God I wish the luvverly Jenz was here..........and I can only speak of the couple of bars she's managed...........and it's Noocastle.
                  Anyway I'll have a try..............over here there's a really strict ID thing going on............if you don't look 25 you get Ided (is that a word). The doormen are all bruisers but all trained in first aid, and the town is swarming with police cars/vans and horses............

                  The punters can and are asked to leave politely (at first) when one of the bar staff has a quick word in the ear of a supervisor................but Jenz was saying that the longer served staff have an inner radar when and if troubles about to kick off.............physical abuse of the staff and police are called immediately.

                  Now my take on it is train the staff but they cannot be held responsible..............the young 'uns at the bar serving are usually just doing a few shifts a week to supplement their wages or student loans.

                  Education from school age is in my humble opinion................never mind in biology look at bloody bulls eye-ball or a dissected frog ...........teach them from an early age what alcohol does not only to the brain but the body.

                  Can I be Prime-Minister now:happy2:
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009




                      Why not? I'll promise free chocolate.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        ok. but you know its not up to me, dont you?


                          something that sticks in my mind from years ago, i may even have posted it on here, a case from france where a couple who hosted a dinner party that got out of hand were charged with murder/manslaughter/aiding abetting.

                          doesnt stick in my mind quite as much as i thought.

                          a guest got drunk and argumentative and stormed out, they tried to get his car keys and didnt manage, he killed himself or someone else crashing his car.


                            Originally posted by roxane View Post
                            ok. but you know its not up to me, dont you?
                            Thank you for your means the world to me.
                            There'll also be free health care for Labradors and severe penalties for wearing onesies to the shop.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                              Thank you for your means the world to me.
                              There'll also be free health care for Labradors and severe penalties for wearing onesies to the shop.
                              that just got me campaigning for you.


                                Originally posted by mollyka
                                LOVE me grub -----

                                not a bodger --- can Oirish peeps vote for you ;-)
                                They can now especially people with hens and size 5 boots.
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

