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Race to the beer store

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    Race to the beer store

    Hi all!

    Yesturday, after a particularly crappy day at work, I made a beeline for the beer store as soon as I stepped out of the subway. I only got 6 (and I only drank six..) When my boyfriend got home, he looked at me as if I was a cretin and basically ignored me til I made dinner (then we were friends) but I finally blew up at him for his behavior. I know what I do is abnormal and unhealthy, but him treating me like that made me want to walk out and go to a bar or something. I cleaned house instead.

    I felt so resentful that he came and "interupted" my few hours after work alone, and with such a degrading attitude.

    What could I have done different? I wish that I had the strength to keep walking past the deli...any ideas on how to do that? If I popped a couple of Kudzu maybe. Haha. Joking. (unless they work IMMEDIATELY, and then I was quite serious. )

    So anyway, thats my deal. Thoughts? (we made up by the way, which is good)

    Talk soon-

    Race to the beer store

    I find it so easy to drink 6 beer and basically feel nothing but a little buzz.. sad. It would knock a lot of people I know out, or they would be horribly drunk. I hear you on that, and understand exactly what you are talking about. I go through that a lot myself.

    It's bad enough when you had a hard day, but when you get those looks and comments it makes you want to keep drinking.

    Maybe try a different route if you REALLY don't want to drink. But, if you do really want that beer I find I am not strong enough yet to say 'no'. I give myself the pep talks, take the supps and sometimes I just breakdown and have them. It's really really hard.

    But, if we want to do it I firmly believe that we can.. it's not easy.

    Glad you made up though!!


      Race to the beer store

      Get an ice cream or another treat to lift your spirits. Change your route. The worse thing we can do is to justify a drink.

      My hubby hated when I drank & I got the worse cold shoulder. Can I blame him-no. He did it because he hated seeing me like that, knowing I was killing myself slowly. He didn't know what to do. Can't make a grown woman stop unless I stopped by myself. His only option was to express his disappointment & sadness (well mad most of the time when I did). He was sick of seeing a drink in my hand all the time.

      Was I mad at him-OF COURSE. He was bothering my relationship with my alcohol.

      I then stepped in his shoes & could see why he acted the way he did. Why would any normal person drink because there was always a reason to drink. He was tired of seeing me complain I was hungover, seeing me looking hung over, passing out etc. He was just tired of it so he bitched about it.

      I took that bitching and gave it yet another reason to stop drinking. If I picked up that next drink there was a going to be yet another conflict in our household. I don't pick up that drink-I gain respect, admiration & more love in our relationship. Aah, the positives of being AF.
      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


        Race to the beer store

        Ck, last nite, Greg and I were watching tv a Heiniken commerical came on. I said won't be doing that again anytime soon. (last time I got drunk it was with Heiniken on superbowl Sunday) He leaned over and gave me the lightest sweetest Kiss on my left check and whispered in my ear "I am really proud of you honey" I put this man through hell when I was drinking never knowing what he was coming home to in the evening. Just imagine hearing thoses words from your boyfriend..good incentive. I so understand the me time and wanting to blow off steam, because earlier yesterday around 5:00 I just wanted to start drinking. So I did pop my supps and poured a diet sprite in the wine glass, and cleaned the kitchen and made dinner. I allowed myself, my glass of wine at 10pm. I guess what I am saying is it is disipline along with mindset. Take your supplements, the kudzu does work. Focus on something positive. Like your goal in drinking. You can do this.


          Race to the beer store

          What a great description, Breez, "bothering your relationship with alcohol" and so true. As much as I love my BF and wish we could spend more time together, there are many times I wish I could just be alone and not feel censored with my wine. So essentially that means at times I would rather choose a liquid companion than a breathing, loving one.
          Simeybear, that is great that your husband conveyed his pride in you. I wish my BF would be more forthcoming at times with that sort of thing. He has said he's proud of me, but only when I've asked him.
          CKE-The first time you really have that gnawing all consuming urge to drink and you resist it, it will feel great and motivate you, and will be that much better the next time. I'm no pro at this, but I know even when I hate denying myself at the moment, the next day I do feel great and feel like hey I can do that again.
          "Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced"



            Race to the beer store

            CKE, I too, like simey put my hubby through hell, he told me that he got scared to come home because he didn't know what was waiting for him .....

            I also know how you feel though, you stopped at 6 but still got cold shoulder ...... Hang on there .... we all understand ...

            Cleaning house eh, works for me too sad are we .......

            BB xx

