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Very frivolous but need help with cat trouble

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    Very frivolous but need help with cat trouble

    Ok all you are probably going to laugh at me about this considering it has nothing to do with alcohol.. but it could becuase I was considering getting so drunk last night that I could stand castrating the cat!

    Ok here is the deal. My wife said I could get a cat so this last Friday we went to Petsmart and picked out the sweetest little girl kitty that is a year old and adopted her. We had to wait until Monday to pick her up. Of course my wife is headed out of town on Monday to visit her Mom for the week. So I go get my son from daycare, go pick up kitty and head home.

    This is where the fun starts....

    Once home I set the kitty down and let our male Mau get kinda familiar with her while she is still in her cage. I dont want them fighting so I thought that is best. Meanwhile the kid is going apeshit trying to get me to let the cat out and generally getting in the mix of things. So ... finally it appears that all is well in kitty world because both cats are up agaist the cage being nice to one another.

    I open the door and... MY NIGHT OF HELL BEGINS! From that moment on the male cat seems like a beast possessed. His eyes are all crazy and he is sniffing her rear end and nipping at her neck and well you know trying to bust a move on her. Meanwhile the kid is facinated by the new cat and is trying to pet her while simultaneously picking her up and sitting on her. My next three hours turn into a circus of defending the poor girl kitty from the beast male cat and the boy.

    Finally get the boy to bed... that is a huge help... and the girl kitty is still trying to explore the house while defending her honour. Dumbass male cat still wont take no for an answer so every once in a while they get into a tussel. No real fight just a few battings and jumping around.

    Finally I get sick of this and pick her up, put her on my lap, kick back the chair and watch TV. The next hour the stupid male cat plays this game with me thinking he can sneek up and grab her while she is on my lap. I whap him every few minutes to remind him I am still there protecting her.

    After about an hour of this I am ready to get blasted, heat up a knife to searing red hot and castrate the male myself. Instead something in my mind thought that it would be better just to throw him in the garage tonight so I did.

    Ok.. so I let the new kitty room the house last night free of torture and she was very happy to see me this morning. I decided to let insane cat in to go get something to eat and use the litter box before I take my son to day care and head to work. Do you think he does that? Hell no! The dumbass makes a beeline for the girl and the cycle begins again. So out into the garage he went.

    Any ideas if he will stop or is he going to have to get fixed? Any advice? I could really use some help. My wife wanted to breed him because he is a champion Mau and I really like my new kitty and dont want to get rid of her.

    Very frivolous but need help with cat trouble

    Hi Hablur,

    I haven't got much experience with keeping more than one cat but It sounds like you may have to get your tom "fixed" he's only doing what comes naturally after all!!! I'd get some advise from the vet and maybe the situation will ease when your new girl is old enough to be spayed.

    I'm not sure when females become sexually mature so it may just be the case that your old cat is feeling a liitle bit perturbed there is a new Kitty on the block.

    I'm sure the others will have some more advise, and I do feel for you. I had a kiten once and we had to have her rehomed because she and my old cat just couldn't get on.

    Good luck,

    Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


      Very frivolous but need help with cat trouble

      Hablur, if the kitten is one year old I'm sure you can have her sterilised, as your wife wants to breed from the tom it sounds the better of the two options...
      A F F L..
      Alcohol Free For Life


        Very frivolous but need help with cat trouble

        The female is spayed. The male is not neutered. The female is a year old and the male is a year and a half.


          Very frivolous but need help with cat trouble


          I HAVE EVERY SYMPATHY. When my then bf was moving back to my house (some 650 miles away) he brought this new about four mo old female cat. Now I BELIEVE IN FIXING. There is too many unwanted cats in the world, they have to kill them, their life expectancy is GREATLY reduced....etc., etc.....I will refrain from more, but you get this is a sore point w/me...LOL.

          My two male cats were fixed....probably at about 12 weeks. This cat that he had to LEAVE was in heat. You think having a male in heat is bad......oh darlin' you haven't lived until u have a female cat in heat. She drug herself across the rug w/the worst kind of catwauling you ever heard. The two males bent their ears back and backed away as she dragged herself up to them as seductively as she could. They sniffed her....I think looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders....but I may be taking poetic license here, and generally kept away from her as much as they could. She wanted out, I wanted her out, my cats wanted her out, but I knew my bf, hubby to be would not want her knocked up. I got her fixed as soon as she was out of heat....u can do it during but the vets don't like it.

          Fix your male, fix the new female....heck if you aren't fixed........oh, maybe going to far there. Living w/animals in heat......not fun.



            Very frivolous but need help with cat trouble

            FWIW : I have three cats all fixed, the younger boy still pounces on the female from time to time. It causes a kitty squabble for a bit and then all is normal, happens a couple times a week.
            Suddenly I see
            This is what I want to be
            suddenly I see
            Why the hell it means so much to me.

            -KT Tunstall


              Very frivolous but need help with cat trouble

              Hablur, at the age your male cat is, I'm not sure fixing is an option. Even if all the parts are not there the memory will be. Plus, part of what he is doing is a campaign to terrorize her and bring her into submission-not male/ female but older cat I was here longer and new younger cat on his territory. We had the same problem bringing a new kitten into the already 2 adult cat household. The oldest female STILL terrorizes the younger female, and it has been 4 years! They are ALL spayed. Good luck-I feel your frustration-it gets crazy doesn't it:H
              Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


                Very frivolous but need help with cat trouble

                I think you are going to have to neuter him. I personally am an animal person and do not believe in littering until we can lower the cat euthanizing down A LOT. For every cat unfixed there are offspring of over 60,000. This is over the cats entire life span and there offspring and there offspring and so on and so on. It is hard to believe.
                Anyway I will get off my soapbox. Adopting is the best and only way to go, THANK YOU from someone that has worked with rescued kitties and doggies.
                But once again, neuter and time will get him to leave the lovely lady alone.
                Here we go again.

                AL FREE since Saturday the 14th of March 2009


                  Very frivolous but need help with cat trouble

                  hablur, take harts advice and make sure your fixed.
                  Gabby :flower:


                    Very frivolous but need help with cat trouble

                    LOL... Ok Gabby I'll tell my wife that I am going to go get fixed. I may have to run it by her first though


                      Very frivolous but need help with cat trouble

                      Hi Hablur,

                      I introduced a female kitten to a household with a pre-existing 3 year old female, thinking it would be wonderful company. Wrong!! I had a similar situation and we kept batting off the older cat - and then she ran away and got sick. Apparently the pre-existing cat has to sniff the new cat still in it's cage for a while, etc. etc. They got to a point where they would groom each other but were never friends.

                      Seeing a young female in heat is nerve-shattering. The crying goes on for about 10 days and their stomach is rock hard with cramps. Poor things.

                      Good Luck.
                      Enlightened by MWO


                        Very frivolous but need help with cat trouble

                        Hablur, My thought is that everyone will get over it. Mostly since the new baby is a kitten. Just watch the grown up male so that he wont kill her first.

                        Heres what happened to me,

                        I brought an adult female into a house with an adult female and adult male. The adult male wouldnt have it. He was so mean to the new female, sneaking up on her to scare her and beat her up it was aweful. We had so many cat fights in the house. He scared her so bad she would always pee her pants. It got to where she in one room. I had to put a litter box in there. Well that was icky. Of course my male would stalk her in that room too. Soon she was living in the desk cabinet hutch part. She would pee her pants in there when my male would sneak up on her there too. Soon she became very depressed. It was so sad. I didnt want to give her away cuz my male cat is my sons cat and he will take him someday soon. (I hope) This female kitty is the sweetest cat I have ever had and I want to keep her. She is my favorite.

                        Well anyway now my bf has finally taken her. I bribed him. And she is back to happy happy happy. Now if only my son will come and take his mean male I can have my sweet female back again. Anyway to sum up my never worked out even after about a year of trying.

                        But I have more hope for you cuz you have a kitten.

                        And if YOU get fixed and all....the feramones in the house will change and and well.....maybe Hart will explain that part since she is the one that brought it up in the first place.

                        So you take it from here Hart.
                        Gabby :flower:


                          Very frivolous but need help with cat trouble

                          I don't know about fair moans or unfair moans......I don't even know if Hablur got permission, yet:H I just know I'm fixed, my hubby is fixed, all three cats are fixed and the dog is fixed......and it's none of your business where the moans in the house come from


                            Very frivolous but need help with cat trouble

                            ROFLMAO... oh that was good hart!

                            Ok... I think people keep getting confused.

                            The MALE is not nuetered and is 1 and a half year old. a Teenager by cat standards.
                            The FEMALE is spayed and is a year old. Also a teenager.

                            Neither are kittens... The female is fixed and the boy is acting like a teenage boy with raging hormones trying to propogate the species like he is the only stud in the world She of course wants nothing to do with it.

                            I talked with the vet and she said give him a couple of days to calm down. Keep them seperated when I am not home and let her bat at him when I am home since she is slightly bigger.

                            LOL.. the trouble is, he is a Mau. That probably doesnt mean anything to anyone else but Mau's are the fastest domestic cat available... they can easily do 35 miles per hour... no joke. They can also easily leap 8 feet from a sitting position. The poor girl can't out run him or jump away from him...hehe.


                              Very frivolous but need help with cat trouble

                              Hablur....that last hee hee isnt that funny.
                              Gabby :flower:

