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What would you do?

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    What would you do?

    Have an acquaintance that came out of rehab (about 2 mos ago) for that synthetic marijuana junk, K2Spice, and he is now back on it. He coughs 75% of he time he breathes and he is only 23. Why? He has made mistakes since rehab and is not at the point in his life to take responsibility, suck it up and move on~ he is despondent and no matter how wrong anyone is, this is a terrible feeling. He is 'selling' it to a 14 yr old step brother on the promise of a profit and all parents involved know this is going on, for they are all stooped so low in their own addictions they do not realize how horrible this stuff is. BAD. Maybe not as addictive as heroin or cocaine, but prolonged use (caused by psychological addiction vs physical) is like drinking solvents on a daily basis.

    I live in Oklahoma and don't know the legal status of this K2Spice 'incense'.

    Choices I have:
    1. Do nothing
    2. Report the sale of K2 Spice and the shop that is selling it.
    3. Call DHS on the family, reporting he 14 yr old, not to mention he is not in school and hasn't been for at least a year.
    4. Wait a reasonable timeframe (month maybe) and do 2 and 3 to create anonymity for myself.

    Shet happens, one is only responsible to one's self; what could I really change? But doing nothing goes against any moral obligation I inherited when I became aware of the situation.

    One cannot deal with addicts unless they are ready to be dealt a hand 'up' or 'out', but what would you do?
    Constant relapsing is soul destroying.
    I cherish my soul, it is the most important thing to me in the world. I cherish my soul even on th bad days. This is why I do not drink.

    Unfortunately, it didn't take much googling to find out that while Oklahoma is in the process of trying to ban synthetic "designer drugs," they are currently still legal. So I'm not sure option two will be terribly effective. Option three is a possibility, but how close are you to this family? Are you ready to sever all ties with them? People in the throes of addiction are not terribly rational and will not see this as "help."

    My therapist mentioned spice recently in a group session. Stuff is bad news. Just like anything cooked up in a home lab, quality control is not a concern and you just don't know what you're getting.
    In the middle of my life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood, as I had lost the straight path. It is a difficult thing to speak about, how wild, harsh and impenetrable that wood is. Just thinking about it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death, but in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there. --Dante, paraphrased


      Yes, I am ready to sever all ties with this family; I don't understand why this 'spice' went away from local convenience store sale if it is not 'illegal' to sell. Here are its claimed labels: 'it's legal' then 'not for human consumption'. What the heck? Do I need to write to my congressman?
      Constant relapsing is soul destroying.
      I cherish my soul, it is the most important thing to me in the world. I cherish my soul even on th bad days. This is why I do not drink.


        Yes. Write. And this is really bad stuff.
        No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


          They recently just banned it here and made it "illegal" to buy...but a few undercover cops were still able to easily buy it. But, as the point was made, you can't force an addict to quit their behavior, as hard as may be to watch them spiral out of control...Sorry you're going through this Roadside...
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            I'm with niner. You can report these folks until the cows come home, but it will not induce your acquaintance to stop abusing spice.


              Hi Roadside -what we all must try to accept and realize is that -with and addicted brain (person), we are not dealing with such in the light of what can be termed 'rational' thinking or logic. No, instead, you are dealing with one who is unable to understand 'rational'. The brain will cause most humans to do whatever it feels necessary to survive. This is the neurological disorder of addiction that so many of us don't really understand or accept.

