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    You mean you didn't get them all from memory .
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Originally posted by mollyka
      Health and Safety -- spits from side of mouth --- the engineers of the death of small entrepreneurs -- home baking for sale - cake clubs - selling home grown produce independently etc - costs small businesses a FORTUNE ---- ffs -- did we all DIE in the era before health and safety officers????
      Yes Roxy -- my Dad had those water butts everywhere -- guessing we'll be going back to all that now with water charges

      Yes Dreamy -- good bit of damage done -- besides the cost of repairing the roof -- the whole ceiling of Jilly's room needs replacing -- feckity feck
      House insurance covers the damage Molls ! Been there & done that !


        Evening army flu jab over with and no probs wasn't there long thankfully. Molly so sorry to hear about the roof damage I hope it doesn't drag on too long for you and its get done quickly as the cold weather is starting now. Today was lovely again but late afternoon its quite cold. I have the heating on since I got in at 4.30. Was waiting quite a while on buses back and forth today. Got to bring my cat to the vet clinic tonight. Not looking to the quequeing as its from a van. Irish Blue Cross so you have to wait your turn outside and its every Wednesday in local Tesco car park. Its a low cost vet care which is great for low income people and its a great service. :cat:


          Originally posted by mollyka
          just read back on that post and it's full of negatives and glums -- and tbh I AM a bit negative and glum lately -- no particular reason but not finding the 'joy' so to speak -- went to a meeting last night and it helped a bit -- but still a bit grumpy.... just explaining previous miserablenesses ;-)
          I can relate to ALL of that Molls.
          Negative , glum, bit of paranoia that people in work think I'm old and not worth bothering with.
          I also only this afternoon said that to my friend in work that I am feeling no 'joy' in anything these days
          Feel like crying a lot for nothing in particular. In fact if anyone was nice to me I think I'd cry.
          I was thinking if things don't get better a trip to the doc is called for - life's too short to be miserable ?.




              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                In further news this evening I'm going to York on Sunday to see the luvverly Jenz and her BF. :happy2:
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                  I can relate to ALL of that Molls.
                  Negative , glum, bit of paranoia that people in work think I'm old and not worth bothering with.
                  I also only this afternoon said that to my friend in work that I am feeling no 'joy' in anything these days
                  Feel like crying a lot for nothing in particular. In fact if anyone was nice to me I think I'd cry.
                  I was thinking if things don't get better a trip to the doc is called for - life's too short to be miserable ?.
                  Will you do me a giganto favour, my lovely and make the appointment mvvvvho mental health is on a par with physical health.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    How odd.........sure I saw a post from Roxxy.......

                    Yo there Molls, have an inkling what your getting at there............maintaining the status quo, perhaps.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      We could go very, very deep on the reward thing.......are we programmed from an early age........if we burp after feeding when we're teeny tiny we get a round of applause (my brother still wants that but he's 50 now)..................if we're good we'll get a stack of pressies from Santa....... go and get a jab at the doctors and you get a hard at school and we might get a gold star.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                        How odd.........sure I saw a post from Roxxy.......
                        No I appear to have frightened her off with my depressing post.
                        Originally posted by mollyka
                        there wasn't a recent one from roxy since I came home ---- I'm really not sure what I'm saying tbh -- to a certain extent -- there is still the 'reward' mentality ---- (this is me I'm talking about)-- I still feel I deserve a 'reward' --- thankfully these days what I consider a reward is sugar or coffee or a really good meal or appalling carbs...... not alcohol or cigarettes -- they genuinely rarely would cross my mind...... but WHAT do I need a 'reward' for?? If I'm happy in my life --- genuinely so ---- that should be reward enough --- and when my 'rewards' turn on me (sugar cos it makes me fat for instance, or coffee cos it makes me jittery) -- it's like a bit --- what's the point??? and that's gloomy -- and living with myself 24/7 can be exhausting..... I'm not that nice --- so not being able to get outside of myself occasionally -- do I miss that? I dunno --- maybe I do....
                        Thanks Molls & Jacks for trying to sort me out :hug::hug:
                        I'll be ok - just need to brush myself off & count my blessings.


                          in our sober little cocoons we don't LET the joy in cos we're safer just maintaining a balance..........or rather -- we don't SEEK the joy....

                          This makes a lot of sense. I think I have barricaded myself into my particular 'sober cocoon'.
                          Maybe it is time to break out
                          Stop being safe.


                            Morning Molly and all to come. Yes i'll join you on that one sometimes it is hard to find the joy in this world but we can choose how to start our day. I read the posts last night but was too tired to reply and it seems some of us are down as I say it will pass. Going in to town today to get id done for my bus pass as the last one got ruined by rain so got to stop off at Dublin bus to get that sorted and after browse around some shops get a coffee and get some food shopping done in Aldi and Tesco on Parnell street. Going to go in early as the city can get packed by afternoon. Already had 2 coffees and awake since 5.30 so may as well stay awake and have a shower and breakfast soon. Fed the moggies and let them out. Checked my bank balance and after bills not much left so another strict budget this week but sure i'll manage lol. Have a terrific Thursday.:happy2:


                              Yeah will have a look around Penny's for sure I need tights and leggings so may get one of the other as they cheap enough there.



