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Army thread this week

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    my hips are hurting so its going to rain. even though the sun is shining.


      Morning Roxxy,

      So the new girls are laying at a rate of knots...
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
        Morning Roxxy,

        So the new girls are laying at a rate of knots...
        what? oh, hens.


          Originally posted by roxane View Post
          my hips are hurting so its going to rain. even though the sun is shining.
          Mr JC gets an achy wrist when its going to pour down....
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Originally posted by mollyka
            and omg yes with the bullies --- to carry that hate inside must be so draining --- what I find unforgivable about this particular case is that 4 of us were really good pals --- we even went to Portugal together last March ---- but we were like 3 'mammies' to the young'un --- and to turn on her now when she has shown us all her vulnerabilities --- it's very evil imo........
            I'd say she is jealous of the atention the young'un got / gets after the hoilday 'chats' and is bringing her down a peg or two


              Morning Rox & JC
              Is that achy thing true?


                He says it is.......tbh I've never really taken a lot of notice.......he broke the wrist when he was 14.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                  Morning Rox & JC
                  Is that achy thing true?
                  it is worse on cold damp days, which is why its odd today as its sunny and dry as it can be for a damp overnight.


                    Originally posted by mollyka
                    it's bein futuristic --- like cows lying down when the sun is still shining ----- they just ------ know ;-)
                    that has been tested and found to be random. however, the way they lay down shows the prevailing wind.

                    im off to walk the flat hilly essex fields.


                      Grauniad had a headline a couple of days ago: Met Office predicts better forecasts.

                      Did I see Tabbers whizz in and out? And where's our original whizz kid? She hasn't been inn for a while - I miss her short, to the points visits
                      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                        Ms A WHERE ARE YOU ????:checkin:


                          sorry was I shouting ??:blush:


                            Happy halloween



                                Originally posted by mollyka
                                nope -- don't do halloween -- in any way shape or form -- joe has a whole load of cheap shite aul sweets that he'll dole out -- whereas i shall sit on couch and studiously ignore everything..... So there

                                bah humbug !!!!

