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Army thread this week
Don't listen to them Molls .
Just say YOU are going racing and anyone wants to go goes / if not fine.
I just spend day with sis, mother & DD - who is always on the lookout for a drama.
My happy bubble soon burst ..........
She decided to arrange MrS & his twins party in December with SIL -now suddenly it's all my fault 'cos it's not working out!! No band.
Why am I not involved - "I'm too busy yarra yarra yarra" ............... !!!!???
Like it's only the pub we usually go to and they've known the family for years and will pull out all the stops. How effin' hard can it be!!?????
DO NOT VOLUNTEER IF you are just going to moan - :grr:
Originally posted by mollykafeeling a bit the same with Jill today myself -- maybe it's a daughter thing --- asking me will L let her bring the babies off for the day --- like WHY ASK ME?? Nothing seems to happen that isn't through ME??
WELL DONE Rox on the painting :thumbs: