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Trying a new approach

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    Trying a new approach

    Hi everyone

    Well - here we go again. Keep trying, keep slipping, climbing and then sliding . So back again and going to try a new approach - The Sinclair Method

    Here in the UK recently it has been all over the news that there is now a 'miracle pill' that can help stop people drinking and this will be prescribed to people via the NHS - they say it is called Nalmefene (branded Selincro) which having researched I now realise is a newer version of Naltrexone which I have heard people on MWY discussing in the past.

    Having researched a bit more, I discovered that this pill is actually taken as The Sinclair Method (I have seen UK Blonde here on MWO mentioning that she has been using The Sinclair Method, but I never really understood what it was about).

    Anyway - further into my research I found this amazing video on Vimeo which explains the whole concept and how it works (you have to pay $3.99 to watch, but it is so worth it - even if you don't want to try this method it really explains why some people get addicted to alcohol!

    I decided that I want to give this a go - I have nothing to lose except quite a few £XXX!! ) :happy2:

    I don't want to go back to my GP again asking for this (last time I asked for help she was quite rude and said that she only deals with primary care) so I did a bit more research and found that I can actually buy Selincro here in the UK online a - you have to have a free online consultation before they will subscribe it, but to be honest I'm happier that they aren't just dishing out pills without checking you out first.

    So here we go - first batch paid for, just waiting for it to arrive - I am so hopeful.

    I thought I would share this as I'm sure there must be lots of other people on MWO (particularly those in the UK who have seen it all over the news) who might be interested to learn more.

    I would also be interested to know if anyone else here on MWO has used The Sinclair Method successfully?
    Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!

    Hi, Snap

    I am so happy so see you here again, working on Your Way Out :smile:. Hope you'll post in the Newbies Nest, too - I remember great conversations with you there! xx, NS

