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Undies in November

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    Righty-oh Undies,

    I'm off to the hostipal - thanks for your words and thoughts - will check in when I can. Have a ripper day. I intend to.


      Bridget, that's horrible! One would think management would be a bit more concerned for the safety of the employees. :egad:

      Tawny, I don't know what procedure you are undergoing, but I hope you feel better very soon. I am thinking of you.:heartbeat:


        Tawny x

        Hello gorgeous Fen, double smoochies xx


          Hi Happs! How are you today?



            Evening is everyone? I've been thinking about Tawny a lot today, hoping all is well.

            We've just had a massive thunderstorm here, the Lamp is still under the house inspecting old drains and new building works and figuring out how not to flood. Good to see some rain though.

            Gorgeous Scottish Lass sent me an email entitled, 23 reasons to visit Australia. The photos in it are spectacular. I got very excited when I realised that a few of them are up around Hamilton Island - Whitehaven Beach etc - and that we will be there in two months!! well me and the Lamp that is...I've got to check out little cameras for the trip, I'm not so sure about using my Iphone...


              Morning Everyboddee.
              Froglette, if you happen to see this hope everything went well and that you are defying the odds post op.

              Hope everyone is feeling as wholesome and optimistic as I am this morning.

              That's the thing about sober, isn't it? It's the lifestyle that just keeps giving.
              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                Morning all,

                Funny you should say that Jonesy, as i too was just noting how positive and optimistic i am feeling and just how farkin good living 24/7 sober is. There are NO negatives in being sober, and yep, it's the gift we give to ourselves and those around us that just keeps on giving. Totz Mazeballs.

                Thoughts are with you Frog.

                Take care of yourselves everybodee. If anyone thinks they 'deserve' a drink today you are being a doodyhead. What you really deserve is self care and self respect, not self abuse.

                Less of this :treadmill: and more of this :llama:


                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Off to Queensland.
                  See you all later.


                    Have fun Raggsy. Hope you and Glassy have a hoot. Think of me when you're consuming your delights!

                    Squishes - soft ones - to our Tawny XX Hope it all went well!

                    Here's a squish for you too Bridge.

                    Salute to Mr G.

                    MUCH love and light to you ALL.

                    Feeling fighting fit today. First day in a while I feel I could, and prolly will, leap tall buildings in a single bound.

                    Hey Mr G - you swimming in the sea today big fella?

                    Here's a smooch for you Happs.

                    Where's Techie, Reg, Aspy, Glassy, CAKES??!!

                    Hey Fennel - so nice to see you here. I'm deliberately avoiding your foodie thing. I need all the help I can get right now, NOT to become pumpkin before Christmas.

                    Spread love, kindness and smiles - all day long.

                    It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                    Mother Theresa


                      You know, the last few weeks I've really, really wanted to drink. I haven't of course but came close more than once. Love both your comments today Bridge and Mr G. Being sober is such a blessing and I so deserve NOT to drink.

                      It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                      Mother Theresa


                        Morning everyone! have an awesome time Rags, wish I was there...well I am...but you know what I mean!

                        Got up early, finished a work project that I didn't give a shit about but its a monkey off my back. Now off to have some fun. It's fry time...

                        Froglette, muchos lovage xx

                        Nicey, leave the shit food on the tea trolley...


                          Nicey, I woud say have shit food in preference to a drink but I know it makes you crook...fill up your life with good stuff. love you lots xx


                            Hello, Undies...has anybody heard from the little froggy? I hope she is okay.


                              I was browsing in an antiques store this afternoon and came across work. The tag says that it is "Traditional Australian Bush Art". Looks rather like an armadillo, although I guess it could be a 'roo in a housecoat. Any ideas? Have any of you seen anything like this in your native land?


                                Originally posted by myhappyplace View Post

                                Nicey, leave the shit food on the tea trolley...
                                I'll have you know there is NO shit food on MY trolley!

                                Signed: Mrs. Frogg

                                Morning Undies,

                                I'm OK but ordered to have a compulsory Pink Dress Week. My minder who is very strict and knows me well has hidden my Blunnies. ***sob***

