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Expectations, Resentments, Holidays

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    Expectations, Resentments, Holidays

    Sorry to start mentioning Holidays so early. Although, I guess we just had one with Halloween. I’ve been rather angry with my family the last few weeks. Has mostly to do with my Mom’s drama with holidays and extended family drama around holidays (and other stuff actually).

    Like, it is crazy to expect that an event like Thanksgiving could be planned and agreed up on by all parties involved and not turn into a showdown between female members in the family over whose house the event will be at. (Sorry to confuse with the SammyNorm name, but I’m a female member of this family as well). It’s like I’m supposed to take sides and force the event to be at my Mom’s house even though most people agree it will be at my cousin’s house. And who cares at this point anyway, it’s 4 weeks away. Uggh……

    So I was getting all angry about it, losing sleep, and then remembered the relationship between expectations and resentments. (Really that an expectation = a resentment…depending on who one talks to). So, in my family yes, it is crazy to expect an event like Thanksgiving could be planned without drama, and a pissing match over whose house it’s going to be at.

    Naturally the fact that everybody in the family drinks alcohol (some like fish), and I’m the only in recovery doesn’t help anything, least of all my sanity.
    Anyway, thought I’d just share this as the expectation = resentments was a good reminder for me. When you are feeling resentful, check in with your expectations.
    Soberity Date - 7/11/11

    Sammy, my family is nucking futs! It doesnt matter how simple the plan is, it gets F'd up! It is childish and frustrating, but nothing I do will change them!
    I just go to the $£¥%^# thread and let off steam. I feel your pain!! Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Sammy - my most freeing experience of the last several years (especially this last 11 months sober) was realizing that I couldn't control everyone, and that it was SO much easier when I just let go, and went with the flow.

      I am a savory person, and I love to cook. I'm not a dessert person, and I never bake. Everyone in my in-law family cooks, and it can get a little competitive. It always used to hurt my feelings when they would ask me to bring a salad, or some bread. It would make me crazy. The final straw was two years ago when I was asked to bring pies. WHAT??? I was so angry. I don't bake, etc. But I just decided to let go of all that - ok, you want pies? I'll bake pies. My son was super excited about it - we learned to make our own crust, and ended up making some of the best pies I've ever had. And I had some great time with my son, who probably IS a baker at heart. Now when we all get together for dinner, I just take a step back, wait for my assignment (which sometimes is nothing, and that's ok, too - I'm busy enough). I have given up all expectations I had for the holidays and am so much better for it!

      Thank you for the reminder.


