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A new week, a new Army thread

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    Originally posted by satz123 View Post
    Jesus. The dead arose & appeared to many:hahaha:

    (an old Oirish saying for those folk who rise later than us)
    :lmao2: I'll have to use that.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Now I need to get my arse up. Have to cook dinner & pick up mother to come eat said dinner
      Laters this eve gang -or between pretending to be busy


        Nope never heard it.......
        I was supposed to up at sparrow's fart to be doing some NVQ work............there's still a mound to do.............but didn't get to sleep 'til 3am ish and I was freezing all night.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Just watching the Remembrance Sunday pleased my Dad got to one............mind you he was so hungover when he got back my Ma wouldn't speak to him for a week............tbh the peace and quiet was quite nice.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009




              Not this year.......there's an Irish contigent and he's just laid a wreath of green somethings...........first time ever.........must have decided when the Queen was across for her Dubbers meet-up.

              Morning Roxxy.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                I'm going to get all my books out ,spread them all over the table ,sharpen my pencils, stare into space and do a bit of NVQ................that'll take about 10 mins.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Just noticed there's a Rememberance Run in the Park- wot I have to drive through to get to mothers. FFS!!

                  not sure what they are remembering to be honest.
                  Don't THINK it's the war - :headscratch:
                  Nope -some charity or other.

                  The Phoenix Park - LOVE it and the calming effect it has on me as I drive through and down the Strawberry Beds. oooommmm.
                  My mother on the other hand was complaining about the trees the other day - I kid you not.
                  Too many leaves falling. Much more than any other year . FFS!! :hahhaha:


                    Hello Army

                    Been too long, I know. Hope yis still remember me? Dunno where to start to explain my absence- nothing major, no disasters, just been pre-occupied and focusing attentions elsewhere. Still sober tho!

                    Have thought of yis often and hope ye are all keeping well?

                    I'm dog-sitting last night/today- Charlie the chocolate lab- we are going walkies now soon!


                      Good morning, army! It's your old friend, Rusty, still sober and enjoying life every day!

                      Molly, I did break away from MWO for a few reasons. The first reason is that I found the new MWO to be very frustrating to use. It is better now and I poked my head in here and found your request for discussion. :-)

                      Secondly, since I no longer use alcohol as a crutch, and have found Satisfaction in my real life through some new friendships, I became less dependent on MWO as a support system. When I talk to my family about any past drinking situation, it just makes me feel badly that I still think about it. To them, they have forgiven me and have moved on, and my 3 years of odd behavior due to my drinking are faded memories for them, and they want it to be the same for me. My way of giving back is to serve as a volunteer for adults who are dually afflicted with deafness and blindness. The isolation these people deal with daily is so sad...that I am happy to donate one Saturday per month to work
                      As a guide for them. I happily do this with my 87-year-old mother. Key to my successful recovery was cutting two toxic people out of my life completely. They were "friends" of mine who were constant triggers for my drinking. My new friends have no idea of my serious drinking problem and fortunately, when I get together with these new friends, it's either for lunch or coffee, and the topic of alcohol never comes up in conversation. Satzy has it a lot tougher because her family drinks as a pastime and lifelong habit, and she can't exactly cut them out of her life. Most of my family drinks but very moderately. I am lucky that way. I have never been to an AA meeting and never plan to go. Hearing people's drunkalogs an rehashing the stupid and hurtful things I did while I was drinking are two time wasters, IMVHO. I do not mean to offend you with my comments about AA, Molly or anyone else. It is a very effective program for millions of people, including my aunt, who had been sober for over 7 yrs now, thanks to rehab and AA. I am grateful that she has found friendship and fellowship in AA. She almost died as the result of her AL and I am so glad she found her way back.

                      My third reason is in line eith what someone here said...I got close to people and then They left without any explanation. Also, In my case, I was stung by the snide comments of someone at MWO who has several years sober time. I see petty fights and nasty comments on a few other threads and I thought, "Is MWO really worth my time anymore?" The answer for me is "yes," but on a very limited basis. I do communicate with a couple of people I am fond of via PM.
                      My brief answer to your question turned into a book. Sorry, Molly.

                      Ava, sorry about the menopause issues.

                      Spideyy, so sorry to hear about the passing of your FIL.

                      Big hellos to Jackie, Satz, Roxy, Sweetie and everyone else. Hope you are having a lovely Sunday.


                        a book i was happy to read rusty.

                        good to hear from you.

                        and you sweetie and foxy and spidey
                        Last edited by roxane; November 9, 2014, 01:21 PM.


                          Originally posted by mollyka
                          Morning! So many missing - from here AND mwo as a whole - those who use THIS as their support system feel they can go it alone maybe ? This is a life long illness - very few lifelong conditions can be self medicated particularly addiction - we all know how we dealt with it in th past - so why should this time be different - discuss?
                          Back again folks. Hadn't read back so didn't see this post Molls.

                          Owe yis an apology for just disappearing without a word xx

                          For what it's worth it wasn't a conscious or deliberate decision on my part to stop posting, and I suppose the longer it's been the harder it is to come back. A number of things going on, with family, work, the house and other things that I literally was distracted. I don't feel comfortable posting the ins and outs of what's been going on tbh.

                          I owe this place and particularly Molls with my sobriety and will/could never forget it. I know that it would not have been possible without the support received here and would never dream of thinking 'that's it', 'I'm cured now', 'nice knowing yis- thanks for the help'. Unfortunately this disease is life-long. For now, I rarely think of the drink, when I do, it's in negative terms, how it near brought me to the brink of ending my life. I still struggle with things/life now but at least drink is not part of the equation.


                            Originally posted by mollyka
                            that's wonderful to read little Pie:heartbeat: and yes - I did miss you --- and yes --- I did worry about you --- it's so good to know that you are feeling so secure in your sobriety --- I do too --- and it'a a gift isn't it...... we are lucky sods to be where we are in life --- and tbh -- I don't think that often enough --- I did today tho -- one of my sons started his mithering again and I just thought 'ffs -- I'm a MILLION miles from that' -----
                            ah stick around a bit little one --- love hearing the ups and downs of your life -- I'm a nosy cow anyhows xxxxx ;-)
                            Ah Molls- sorry to have worried ye, really am xx Feeling 'secure' in my sobriety is quite possibly the one area of life that I do indeed feel secure about, ironically! But am wary of getting too cocky, sure of myself. All it would take would be one drink to be on that slope again.

                            Thankfully there have been no major downs lately with me. The friends that live beside me spend a lot of time here or I down in theirs- meaning I don't have the chance/privacy with posting so much. Work shifts have changed - starting fifteen mins. earlier in morn- yis all know how good I am at getting up with the alarm! NOT!!! Decorating has also taken up much of my free-time- the kitchen/dining room took forever to finish- leaving me pure bollixed at end of day. Have decided that's it for a while with the paintbrush!
                            One issue/problem has been a little bit of bullying/intimidation at work- leaving me suffering another panic attack. Haven't reported anything as the person in question is hopefully leaving us this week to go share her 'wisdom' in some other poor place. Kinda knocked me confidence a bit tho

                            Leaving shortly to return Charlie to his owners. Been like minding a baby this past 24 hrs!

                            Will try shout in later or in morning if up early enough xx




                                Ah grand. Roast pork - can't beat it

