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A new week, a new Army thread

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    Its a girl............does he smell of Lynx and his t-shirt look straight like its come out of the packet.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      i lolled at JCs.

      i agree with JC, its a girl.


        I'm orff to get something to eat......and wrestle the remote control out of Mr JC's hand............he's making noises about the Grand Prix qualifiers and the Match of the Day...
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Originally posted by mollyka
          I am grateful today for my HEALTHY fear of alcohol - sorry if it's a bit heavy for a Sunday morning -been thinking it for a while
          Morning Molls - off to read back -


            Originally posted by mollyka
            I am grateful today for my HEALTHY fear of alcohol - sorry if it's a bit heavy for a Sunday morning -been thinking it for a while
            I too am very grateful...
            Fear is not really a word I'd use for myself anyhoo.
            More a case of " you fooled me for years -the game is up " type job.
            I don't NEED alcohol to relax or whatever any more.
            (though I realised yesterday I can only take my family in small doses these days. I used to think that anxious feeling when with some of them was me needing a drink)
            Does that make sense ?
            I see family still in the grip of it and I am SO grateful for the for the fact the blinkers were taken off before it was too late.


              Replace God with whatever floats yer boat: I like the picture


                hey Army, i am here just going through MENopause and hating everyone. man i thought pms was bad. It was like walking in sunshine. Oh well i will live, i just hope others around me survive. Im great though otherwise! I dont need al at all so thats a bonus in my life. i do need chocolate!
                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                  Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                  I don't NEED alcohol to relax or whatever any more.
                  (though I realised yesterday I can only take my family in small doses these days. I used to think that anxious feeling when with some of them was me needing a drink)
                  Quoting oneself is a bit sad but ................. feckit !
                  I was not relaxed yesterday I noted. Wound up like a spring. Couldn't stick it too long just sitting there. They were ALL drinking and I suppose that is how we always dealt with these gatherings.
                  Or maybe just me. I learned a lesson yesterday .......
                  I didn't want a drink- but I didn't want to sit there all day either.


                    Originally posted by available View Post
                    hey Army, i am here just going through MENopause and hating everyone. man i thought pms was bad. It was like walking in sunshine. Oh well i will live, i just hope others around me survive. Im great though otherwise! I dont need al at all so thats a bonus in my life. i do need chocolate!
                    Oh poor Ava :sendflowers:
                    Been there & done it and survived
                    What are you experiencing ?


                      PLUS:some chocolate porn
                      The names says it all - Butlers : Purveyors of Happiness



                        Morning folks - don't get here as much as I should these days so I will try and rectify that after reading Moll's post, (still can't do quotes - the bit about people missing).

                        I tend to lurk, sometimes add something and by I get back its all gone so must try harder.

                        Very bad week chez Sylv, father-in-law died on Thursday so all hell has broken loose in London with his mother and work-shy brother. Us living 150 miles away doesn't help.

                        Other than that drink doesn't often come into my head, I don't go on work outings that are solely to get drunk, just can't be bothered, I'd rather have a long bath and an early night. I focus on having nice things for me with the vino money and do it without guilt, coming up to two years now and wondering how on earth that happened. Have a lovely day one and all, cooking a "proper" Sunday dinner today as we've eaten total rubbish since Thursday. Need to get back on track with everything, diet, exercise etc.

                        Have a great day one and all
                        AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                          Oh Satz i just want to kill people sigh. My moods are all over the place. I did warn my boys and they were very understanding and im so damn tired. Like i was when i gave up drinking, bone tired! Did i mention i want to cry. Going to drs Thursday but i would prefer to take vitamins than meds. Im just all over the place like a brides nighty.
                          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                            Originally posted by available View Post
                            Oh Satz i just want to kill people sigh. My moods are all over the place. I did warn my boys and they were very understanding and im so damn tired. Like i was when i gave up drinking, bone tired! Did i mention i want to cry. Going to drs Thursday but i would prefer to take vitamins than meds. Im just all over the place like a brides nighty.
                            :harhar: at the nighty
                            Go to an alternative therapist as opposed to doctor Ava ?
                            Get a 'prescription' of vitamins & minerals to see you through and make sure you diet is looked at. NoSugar is great for advice on that.

                            I was kinda in it before I realised it and was drinking too. So all symptoms were blamed by me on the grog.
                            Like palps -I blamed the wine
                            Insomnia - I blamed the wine
                            Never knew what was what.

                            You are the lucky position of knowing whatever is 'ailing' you is just your natural response to that 'moment in time' where you are changing. It WILL pass.


                              Originally posted by spiderwoman View Post
                              Morning folks - don't get here as much as I should these days so I will try and rectify that after reading Moll's post, (still can't do quotes - the bit about people missing).

                              I tend to lurk, sometimes add something and by I get back its all gone so must try harder.

                              Very bad week chez Sylv, father-in-law died on Thursday so all hell has broken loose in London with his mother and work-shy brother. Us living 150 miles away doesn't help.

                              Other than that drink doesn't often come into my head, I don't go on work outings that are solely to get drunk, just can't be bothered, I'd rather have a long bath and an early night. I focus on having nice things for me with the vino money and do it without guilt, coming up to two years now and wondering how on earth that happened. Have a lovely day one and all, cooking a "proper" Sunday dinner today as we've eaten total rubbish since Thursday. Need to get back on track with everything, diet, exercise etc.

                              Have a great day one and all
                              Welcome Sylv - don't be a stranger. Just pop in and have a chat ........
                              Give folks too the benefit of you 2 years experience of kicking the grog :thumbs:


                                Im with you Molls, i need to be on here to keep me accountable daily, reading for me is not enough, i have to open my mouth too! oh dont google menopause, this lasts for up to 10 years apparently, three stages. Oh well im not the first and i wont be the last.
                                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom

