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had enough

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    had enough

    Please friends help!!

    I wish I'd never told you about my domestic violence. I don't feel I belong here anymore because I didn't heed your words. I feel like my real friends are gone now and I feel a freak here now trying to give good advise to new poelple,

    I so much wanted to keep a hold within our community but I've blown it. I've got nowhere to turn now. God do I wish I could turn the clock back!!!

    I'm sorry, maybe some of you newbies will learn from my mistakes.

    Good luck everyone,

    I'll be back one day, Even if it's under a new name.

    Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.

    had enough

    Kitty, Please don't go! What your going through with your boyfriend does not negaite your insight in other areas.You need to stay here to have an outlet, to voice yourself. you are valuable and needed. I spoke to you about your domestic situation as a woman who has gone through it, and as a Mother who is now watching my daughter go through it. You have a great deal to offer please reconsider.


      had enough

      Please stay Kitty.
      We need you here.
      You've done nothing wrong. Nothing!
      Please reconsider.
      Nobody thinks any less of you for not taking advice. I certainly don't.
      We all love you.
      :l :l



        had enough

        I agree Kitty, you shared something personal and were supported and received advice. What you do with the information is your choice and no one will condemn you for that. We all have our setbacks.

        Stick around.
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          had enough

          Kitty love, please don't go ....

          At least you have us here for you until you feel strong again.

          Love & HUgs, BB xx


            had enough


            read back on some of the stuff ive done in the last week or two.

            I felt exactually the same this weekend.

            but ive been welcomed back with only support and encouragement.

            Im glad i diddn't leave and hope you don't too.


              had enough


              Hon if we heeded other's words so well, do you think we'd all be alcoholics? We all have made mistakes, repeatedly. That doesn't make us any less deserving of friends, and with us, we take you as you are, because there is NOTHING you have gone thru that several of us haven't at one time too.

              Please stay. Besides what one person does in one area of life does not reflect on their ability to do well in other areas of life. Most of us have more than trouble with over drinking.....or we wouldn't have over drank in the first place.:huggy


                had enough

                Kitty, stay, even if you just lurk....

                Rip x


                  had enough

                  Hi Kitty,
                  I don't know your history because I only joined today, but you took the trouble to welcome me and other newcomers and I really appreciated that. You made me feel that there were people out there who could help and support me, and I hope you know that there are people here to support you too.
                  AF since December 22nd 2008
                  Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                    had enough

                    Kitty, No! Stop right there young lady

                    While I understand your rational behind the thought, but it's not really what is going on here. You are a valued member, regardless of what you have divulged. Hey... in fact I think you are one hell of a strong woman to be so honest about what you've experienced. How could I, or anyone, in their right mind, ever think less of you because of a situation you're in with your fiancee. Not a chance!

                    Kitty, I really hope you stick around... I could do with some of your advice!

                    Scoobs xo
                    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                      had enough

                      Kitty, It is a lot like watching someone you love overdrink. Things get bad and promises get made and the only one who has control is YOU! Live the path you intend to live, and don't worry. If we were perfect we would not be on this site. It is your life and your decision. Be safe, Dx
                      * * I love Determinator * *


                        had enough

                        Kitty, please stay. This is not a place where people judge. That is what is so wonderful and different about it.


                          had enough


                          You were deluged with advice from everyone here because that is what we are use to doing. We ask for and offer advice and support. I'm sure it was very overwhelming for you (especially if you basically keep the situation private). Ultimately, it's your life and your choice. Just like drinking, when the time is right, you will make decisions and take actions that will change things so that your life will be better. Don't leave MYO. You are taking a huge positive step just by logging on here. You've accepted that you want to change your drinking habits. And don't be embarrassed or ashamed. Think of all that we are willing to lay on the line with each other. Use all of the tools of this program and make those positive changes in regards to your drinking. Then, who knows where life will take you. With a clear head, you will be more confident and rational. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Good luck!



                            had enough

                            Hi kitty - I too hope you decide to stick around. You will not let anyone down here - of all people, we do understand struggling with issues. Just here for support.



                              had enough

                              Kitty is my best catfriend.
                              We are going out on the town for some cat nip, right kitty?!

