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had enough

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    had enough

    Kitty, only read your post and didnt take time for the others. I will later. Dont go! Please dont. No one is perfect around here so why should you start?
    If you feel like you shared to much......start clickin on peoples avators and read all their posts. Believe me.....your not alone. Please stay.
    Gabby :flower:


      had enough

      Kitty, I am fairly new too, I joined the boards in April and then went on a 2 month episode of binge drinking!! I thought I'd let everyone down but was welcomed back with open arms. I don't know of your personal circumstances but I know no-one will judge you ... don't go Kitty you could be missing out on the opportunity to help someone else in a similar situation ... all of life's experiences can be put to good use ... what you did or didn't do is irrelevant. Hugs xxx


        had enough


        Don't be daft!
        You have to live your life, and the decisions you make are yours to make.

        Whatever decisions you make do not change the fact that you are valued and needed here.
        Why cut yourself off from a bunch of folks who genuinely care about you.

        We are here for you - whatever you chose to do - just as you are here for us!
        That is why this place is so great.

        Please stick around!


        "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


          had enough


          You obviously felt comfortable with us to share something like that. Many people would just hide it. You spoke to us and we gave you advice, but only you know what is best for you, only you can decide.

          I am sure no one will judge fact I don't think it will ever be mentioned.

          Many a times I say to newbies to keep reading and posting and that's because other than alcohol there are other aspects in out lives that affect us (and maybe tempt us to drink) Sometimes just talking it through help us see from another perspective.

          Please don't go....we're like a family here. To support each other through good and bad.

          Love Mandy x


            had enough

            Dear all,

            Well needless to say today I have a stinking headache and have spent the morning doing damage limitation. You know how it goes: who did I text who did I call what did I write on MWO who did I e-mail?

            We all in all it isn't too bad. Was steaming drunk at 5.00pm when the bf got home and I must say he dealt with it all very well. So maybe I did tell you all too much but I can't turn the clock back and I just have to look at the future.

            The first post I read today was Jay's about his poor cat and before I knew it I'd sent him a message. So it looks like I'm not going after all. Thanks for the replies, they mean alot. I'm going to stick with this name because I think the work involved to create a new "me" would just tire me out and I need all the energy I can muster to deal with the drink.

            See you around everyone,

            Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


              had enough

              Thankyou Kitty .......

              We need you ....

              BB xx


                had enough

                Glad your staying Kitty.


                  had enough

                  Cool Kitty, great to hear you're sticking around. If we all wanted out there'd be no MWO.
                  A BushBaby with Attitude


                    had enough

                    Hi Kitty, you had the courage to post what you were feeling, that is what it is for, what we are for. I respect and admire your honesty, glad you are sticking around.

                    Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                      had enough

                      Attagirl Kitty.


                        had enough

                        Good deal
                        What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                        ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                          had enough

                          Hi Kitty,
                          I may have come across as really harsh but I didn't mean it to be so bad, please stay.
                          I was hurt by a thread recently and went away for a while, after thinking about it I thought I am daft to leave because of something that wasn't meant to hurt anyone!
                          So please don't go.
                          I may lurk for a while longer
                          Just believe - that's all you have to do



                            had enough

                            Wow. Miss Kitty, see how much you are loved!

