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    Morning all! hope you're feeling a bit brighter today Molly (read back for once). Still wading through the mire in London after FIL's death the week before last but back home for a week now thank goodness. Got up early to try and actually do some preparation for a job I've applied for, the last couple of attempts for this grade have been a skim read of a couple of sets of documents, want the grade so have to make a bit of an effort this time and I've actually got the form in a week early.

    Have a great Tuesday one and all.
    AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


      Spidey! Holding thumbs for the job. Sorry about your FiL - hope you are coping. And I see we can start getting our party gowns out of the mothballs. You will visit us on the day, won't you?

      Molly, it's just that your glums have gone on for a very long time, so it's not just a couple of things. But: we also, I think, over-analyse things. As long as you're not floating on that river further up north/down south, depending on where you are.
      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


        I actually thought about deleting the bit to you, Molly - but as long as you feel better - really better, not pretend better, I'm happy for you. The big city job was a stand-in contract, but am doing some work for them; challenging (now, I feel about that word the way you feel about the J-word) but in a good, enjoyable way. So ja, I'm FINE! Off to get something done - feel flat today, think it's the non-stop wind.
        14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


          Originally posted by mollyka
          Why would you delete it Dreamy ---- it's PRECISELY remarks like that that will keep us all on the straight and narrow --- so much of the changes I made yesterday were on the head of what was said here --- it's vitally important that we challenge (I don't mind that word AT ALL haha) each other --- I would do it to you....... and yeah --- I offloaded a lot of my family worries onto Joe last night ---- I was reluctant to because he's working such long hours --- but he was happy to share the burden ;-) and GENUINELY this morning I just feel ...... lighter.... good you're still getting work from the city lads ----- imo 'challenge' is good.....

          oh and I NEVER experienced wind like I did in SA --- maybe cos we were on a beach but the hot searing sand seemed to be blown into every pore ---- achully HURT!!! Right --- best get up....
          Glad you had a chat with Mr M - you can't always talk things through on an open forum, and when it's things that that concern him too, he should know how you feel and think. why the long hours? What's happened to Mr BO? Was he not meant to lighten the load?
          14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


            Morning Army. good to hear you feel a bit better Molly and also having the talk with Joe. good luck with the job Spidey. I had to take my oldest cat to the vet yesterday morning. He got in a fight last week and had 2 facial cuts which got badly affected. He injections and he has to wear a buster collar to stop him touching the wounds. Its like a lampshade thing around his head but he manage to eat and drink ok. he hates it and I feel so sorry for him having to wear it. Yesterday after bringing him he was going mad trying to get it off but its important for healing. He's on anti biotics for a week 2 a day and I dread giving him the first one this morning as he hates taking tablets. I'll cover it up in some meat and hopefully he'll swallow it. bright start to the day and hopefully stays that way. got some washing to hang out and more to go in the machine so its starting to pile up a bit after all the rain.


              Poor Foxykitty... I just stuff the tablet into a piece of meat - but if you can, try not to break up the tablet - cats sometimes spit out smaller pieces. Or put each small piece in some meat. Glad to hear you've some sun - I'm also busy with washing - sigh - a woman's work is never done....
              14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                that's a very long working day for Joe Molly how does he manage for breaks etc or does he just work staright through? Cats is still out so trying first pill between meat when he comes in.


                  good luck with that foxy, you may end up in a wrestling amtch with him though. get that towel out.

                  Over the years, as I have hit 50, 60 and now 70, my dependence on alcohol has been steadily growing. At one time I could take it or leave it; but no more, writes LIZ HODGKINSON.

                  her ending shot misses the point that it has caused problems.


                    Don't know whether to laugh or cry, Rox. But then, I played the same self-deception game with myself for a long time.

                    Kitty gallivanting with her Elizabethan collar/lampshade and all, Fox?
                    14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


                      Yep Kitty has gone to his usual haunts it seems lampshade and all lol I just hope he's ok but I can't keep him in he loves to go out for a ramble every day unless the weather is really bad. That's a depressing story roxy and yeah I think she is in some denial. I can relate to some of her story though. She does look great for 70 but for how long if she keeps up the heavy drinking. Unless she had some cosmetic work done. Any long term heavy drinkers I have come across look older with bad skin and usually very over weight or under


                        1/2 a bottle a night? shes lying.

                        trip to A & E, she is costing the NHS and taking the place of someone more in need/not self inflicted (this is not necessarily my opinion).

                        used to see others with a bottle of wine next to their plate and be horrified, now she does it, its ok.

                        blackouts, she is making a fool of herself at best and putting herself in danger at worst.

                        drinking then driving, she is breaking the law doing something that is now generally considered heinous. also not only putting herself in danger (again) but others.

                        cant enjoy anything like the cinema without alcohol, i should imagine she avoids meeting up with people unless she can drink.

                        but her health is alright so shut up haters.

                        im not judging her at all, its incredible how we get used to the situation. like a heating a frog up to the boil.

                        hope kitty is ok.


                          I so agree roxy its not so much denial but accepting her situation and giving herself permission with excuses and the i'm so bad as so and so blah blah. Silly woman. but I guess her friends or aquentainces are most likely all the same.


                            I have to say I have never been to a restaurant or dinner at any one's home where each or some people have a bottle of wine at their plates. There would be a couple of bottles in the middle of the table and replaced as needed. Whos she dining and mixing with lol. Kitty home a few hours and I mixed the pill in with food which he ate so hopefully first one down. Its important that he takes these pills as I was told its 50/50 he may need a follow up operation for skin damage and he will have a scar anyway and the hair won't grow fully back. Jaysus who did he have the scrap with he's 4 next march and a quiet enough big boy of 11 12 ibs. Lets hope he doesn't get in this trouble again as a big vet bill for an op I can do without but if it has to be done and if its best for him i'll get it done. Depends what vet says is best.


                              yes, seems like its normal in her circle, i get that.

                              cat claws are filthy, he probably had puncture wounds as well and they are terrible to heal.


                                evening - late check in today

