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Blimey! ......

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    Blimey! ......

    Hey.... Just checkin in and, just noticin' it's all gettin' a bit serious again in here. I'm not out to bag ye all but, fair dinkum, we're all here with the same old and if ye can't face it with a smile on yer face well ......

    And, where's me old battle axe gone? Tawn? Ye there? Tell ye, ya bloods worth bottling!

    Tell ye what this Boomer might just blow through if things are goin' crook.


    Blimey! ......

    Well, I suppose it's good that you breezed back in to liven things up again from down under...Don't blame me for serious posts, I'm just adding education for balance...:lol



      Blimey! ......


      Your timing is impeccable.

      Tawny's head is starting to get a bit round.



        Blimey! ......

        Well, thank god you're back!

        I've been waiting, pacing, watching - one eye on the horizon, one eye on the letter-box. Kept walking into verandah posts. Nose a bit out of joint but otherwise alright.

        Do you remember telling me "When gums are flapping fiercely, Tawn, don't get caught in the updraft!"? Well I took your advice, as I always do, and kept myself nice - and close to the ground.

        Got out the orbital sander last night for a bit of a touch-up - don't want to be accused of "letting myself go" while you've been away.

        I'm attaching a photo of my new boat.



          Blimey! ......

          Tawn, me little amphibian, ye've been a good girl while I've been gone. Now, what's this I hear about a new boat? Maybe the Kanga should be coming over for a little inspection of yer aft n fore?

          I hope ye've been keepin' yer eyes to the ground now like a good'n and not been flirtin' with any bludgers that may be hangin round.

          Yer a top shei.. lady Tawn an this Kanga is goin' to improve his ways. Ahm gonna stop messin around and get serious. I'm already handsome, got a few quid and extremely funny so all I've got to work on is my sincerity.



            Blimey! ......

            Kanga - no probs with my fore and aft. It's my port and starboard I'm a bit concerned about.

            I tend to list to the left but if you could see yourself clear to scupper my galleon some time, I'd be very grateful.

            I know you've been working hard on your sincerity. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! I'm here to help you. It's a lay-down misere. Or a piece of puss, as they say in the NZ classics.


            PS - the bludgers are all in hospital. Heavily bandaged.

