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Question for RJ . . .

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    Question for RJ . . .

    as well as any others . . . My drinking history is very similar to yours in that I've been drinking for about 18 years and it sounds like the same amount. Since purchasing the program last year, I've made several attempts at quiting and think I am now on the right track but I'm so concerned about my health, it's hard to live through the anxiety. I recently started experiencing severe acid reflux and have an endoscopy scheduled this Thursday to find out if there's more to it or not. Needless to say, I'm a wreck. My question to you is, after 20 years of drinking, did you escape all health problems? I believe I am at a point where I could now moderate but even if my test turns out alright and I get bloodwork done to check liver function, etc., I'm still afraid. I know everyone is different and just because one person escapes illness doesn't mean another will, but it helps me to hear other peoples stories. In other words, is there still hope for me?

    Question for RJ . . .

    Rox.....there is Hope..
    Glad you're getting it checked out. I too have acid reflux and take tiny pills for it.
    I think the supps , being alcohol free and diet,could help in healing physical problems.
    "Be still and know that I am God"

    Psalm 46:10


      Question for RJ . . .

      Rox, for me the anxiety was the worst thing ever and for years I thought that the booze took it away ..... It doesn't it makes it worse ....

      Once you cut it out or down, you WILL feel better.

      I'm moderating quite nicely most of the time but if i go over the top I always wake up anxious the next day .... But now I know that I don't need more to take it away ....

      All the best, Love BB x


        Question for RJ . . .

        Hey Rox, I'm not RJ, but I think I can help you a little I drank 20 years pretty Heavily the last 10. I was always worried about my health but not enough to stop.So I took vit.A&D and milk thistle to protect my liver. When I turned 45 and before I started MWO I went and had everything checked out. I had stomach pain so I had the enoscopy done revealed a small gastric erosion. No big deal, some protonix daily all good. Also had the dreaded colonoscopy, fine as well. Have all blood work done every 3 months. I am just fine! So don't be anxious, keep a positive attitude.

