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Hello all! Scandinavian here! Forgot my PW. All is OK sort of...

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    Hello all! Scandinavian here! Forgot my PW. All is OK sort of...

    Took my Disulf yesterday. Did not take nuff so I got "high on the hooch" last night and today.

    My problem seems to be that I feel darn good in the evenings before I start drinking, which leads me to buy drinks for the current night.

    Also, how can I Retrieve my org. username? I seem to get the same error Message every time.


      I feel its such a thin line between healthy sober me and drunk cranky me. Had I just taken 2x disulfiram and not a small one (1/2) then I would have started on my New good life again now.

      Anyway, I have been social and such which only interests me when I have had some alcohol, so for now I want a good and heatly life. No "ups and Downs" which alcohol provides so much of.


        I know answering my own threads is a signal of mental illness, but I just wanted to include that I was sober (100%) for about 4 months or so, and it was great. Not so social, but very good for my mental Health and my physique. Sleep too got it good after some time.

        Anyway, I look like the Michelin Man because of the no gym and too much junk Food which is "sweet" when I was "Drank".



          Jeezes, did I Write that?

          Anyway, now I did not drink for 3 weeks. Not even a beer. Feels very good but I think I'll drink some during New years.

          There are however a few Things that stops me from drinking a lot next year;
          *My economy is on a low and I see an Instant bump in Income as soon as I start the 'bus.
          *Physically I don't look or feel any good because drinking makes me eat lots of chips and candy.
          *Mentally I feel pretty cranky and anxious after a few weeks of everyday drinking
          *Long term Health issues scare me a bit. I got acid refluxes which can be a sign of beginning pancreatis which can potentially be Deadly.

          Thank you for reading, and i wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


            :love:Best of luck over the holidays and new year why not make a plan not to drink over Christmas and new years? keep taking the antibuse at a level that works for you and keep busy. You said it al makes you feel awful and affects your finances so good time to not to drink. I also need to lose weight as I was relapsing and binge drinking do i'm starting an exercise plan this week of brisk walking 2 to 4 times a week and aqua fit twice at the local pool twice a week. I also take anitbuse daily 200mg. al was making me miserable too and my health was getting bad from the binge stop cycle. I still don't feel 100% and it now day 22 but I hope to get fully better as the weeks go by. I was a long time abusing al so its to take some time to well again. I wish well and hope this helps.

