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This week in the Army: uniforms on, shoes shined
Off to my Positive Psychology workshop today :yay:
Mindfulness and Wellbeing course
Mindfulness is paying attention, deliberately and non-judgementally to each moment of your life.It is the latest "buzz-word' yet at the centre of many ancient philosophies and spiritual traditions such as yoga and zen, which recognize that our minds run on 'autopilot" , rarely coming into "manual control" to experience the moment we are in right now.
In addition to Mindfulness, the course also teaches techniques based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to undermine past negative thought programs that can re-assert themselves in times of stress, and techniques derived from Positive Psychology and yoga.
The course is aimed at putting you back in the driving seat. All the assignments and techniques used in the course are evidence-based, i.e. they are proven to be effective in research and to have long term effects on your happiness and wellbeing.
Included in the fee : course notes and my CD "Mindful Everyday" with 5 separate meditations for home practice.
Some of the benefits of mindfulness established by research are :
•Increases positivity and well-being
•Reduces stress
•Increases self awareness and acceptance
•Increases satisfaction in relationships.
•Benefits health, reduces symptoms, benefits immune system
•Increases resilience
•benefits mental health, decreases depression and anxiety.
•Relaxation and peace of mind.
Life! Morning FoxyMollySatzyguin
That course sounds great, Satz. You'll share your new-found wisdom with us later, I hope? Is it a one-dayer? Longer?
Have done almost everything backwards and upside down and back to front today. Brushed teeth, then had leftovers for breakfast. Washed face, did all the lotions and potions, then showered. Top put on back to front, but at least the right side out.14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!