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This week in the Army: uniforms on, shoes shined

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    Oh I meant to say thanks for the link Satz I had a look and may be interested in new year at some stage.


      Just a quickie......that was a dream.......every body must be in town so our little shopping centre is deserted. M&S is so quiet it's like a wet Tuesday in February.........can't get moved on the roads though as the traffic's horrendous. Wonder where they're trying to get to?
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Change of plan I decided to stay and home I in front of tv tho I put some washing on. Not in the mood to go out and its gotten dull and chilly. I'll have my fruit and juice to heck with dieticians lol. Tho fruit is said to be part of our 5 a day I guess just eat what some of what you like every other day apart from obvious junk like the crisps chocolate cookies cake etc just keep those for ocassional treats. I gave up listening to diet gurus a long time ago.


          Went to bolicky Tesco - ye'd swear the world was going to end tomorrow ::ambivalence:


            Evening Satz and everyone else. I know the shops are going to be mad at weekends from now on. I need to go Tesco tomorrow and euro store and hopefully won't be too busy early afternoon. I don't have much to get but could be my luck being stuck behind a few with big trollies lol.


              im on my deathbed.


                Oh poor Roxy do u have Flu?


                  Been doing the nanna nap thing myself.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    i feel fluey flooey flueish flemish achy nerve pains. hopefully just a one day thing. i have done nothing but feed dog and myself. and let him out to wee.

                    i'll live but it again just rubs in my face that im alone and i start feeling sorry for myself. sob.


                      who would have thought it? the great wall of china is held together with sticky rice.


                        ooh proper poorly,Roxxxy............come here..............not too close...........right that's close you are :huggers:
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Ahh feel better soon Roxy and just rest as needed. I had a nap too and that also affects my sleep so I hope I don't wake again tomorrow at silly hour. Didn't even get dressed today just stayed in pjs.


                            i got dressed in that i feel ok i feel fine kind of way.

                            the great wall(s) is longer than the distance between the north and south poles.

                            i just felt a tickle.......


                              I missed that programme bout the great wall of China sounds interesting I might catch again if its repeated or else online. Held together by sticky rice? Well I never lol.


                                Hiyis all Army

                                Hope yis don't mind me shouting in? Know it's been too long..... problems with internet (feckin router went again)and also workin extra hours including night shifts. Feel guilty about not being in touch but tbh with yis my life has been focused on other shit lately other than the drink- which is good in a way I suppose?!

                                Hope ye all are keeping well? Tho sorry to hear yer feeling poorly Rox xx I can empathise with the being and feeling alone bit- sometimes it does come like a smack in the face especially when we are physically under the weather.

                                Nothing strange happening with me- as mentioned already hafta work extra hours just to keep myself in the black with the bank. Just feels like I'm working but not 'living' if yis know what mean? Don't wanna go down the self-pity route (too bloody familiar) just keeping the faith that there'll be light at end of tunnel.

                                Will try and shout-in more often- do love yis here and appreciate all the help youse gave me at the start when was first off the booze xxxx Coming up on 2 yrs now!! Hard to believe!

