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December Undies

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    Originally posted by Rags View Post

    Where abouts in Ca.?
    Where the weather is not quite so extreme and you don't need to carry a snakebite first aid kit to return your library books?
    I was looking at real estate in Fl. , Ca. and Sth Carolina just a couple of months ago.
    There are some excellent housing bargains to be had, cost of living is heaps cheaper in the US than here, but the medical insurance would cripple us.
    So it looks like we stay in OZ.
    We will however be buying an SUV and touring the US and Canada when Mr Rags retires.
    Merry Christmas. I'm in Calavares County about three hours east of the Bay Area in the foothills of The Sierras. Very close to Yosemite National Park. Would love to host you when you come this way. The town is Angels Camp. It's where Mark Twain wrote The Jumping Frog of Calavares County 😊
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


      Happy everything Undies!

      Hope your day was wonderful in every way.

      Be safe, be glad, be kind to one and other!

      It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
      Mother Theresa


        Originally posted by techie View Post
        Merry Christmas. I'm in Calavares County about three hours east of the Bay Area in the foothills of The Sierras. Very close to Yosemite National Park. Would love to host you when you come this way. The town is Angels Camp. It's where Mark Twain wrote The Jumping Frog of Calavares County ��

        Oh Techie, that woiuld be lovely. Thank you in advance.
        I want to go to Yosemite. Want to see a bristlecone.
        When we were staying in Bishop, it is the gateway to bristlecone territory...
        except it was winter and Mr Rags was ill and we were waiting to get a flight home after his altitude dramas and hospital stay.

        Oooohhhh, I just adore your new house!

        Last edited by Rags; December 26, 2014, 05:29 PM.


          Hope all you UIndies had a lovely Christmas.
          I have Mr Rags' brother and sister coming for lunch.
          His brother is bringing piccies of his trip to Antarctica earlier this year... I'll put them through the tv and sit and gloat.
          And think of Glassy in her little red boat..


            Originally posted by Rags View Post
            Hope all you UIndies had a lovely Christmas.
            I have Mr Rags' brother and sister coming for lunch.
            His brother is bringing piccies of his trip to Antarctica earlier this year... I'll put them through the tv and sit and gloat.
            And think of Glassy in her little red boat..
            OOOH how exciting. Make sure you set the air con to icy and dress like the Michelin man to get the full effect!

            Can you believe after all this time it's only just over 5 weeks to LRB time? GULP!
            There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
            You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

            I didn't come this far to only come this far.


              Have you started packing yet?
              I can lend you some thermals and my Musto HPX ocean jacket what I bought when I wuz gunna
              sail round the world but never did.

              And pearls... are you taking your pearls?
              Last edited by Rags; December 26, 2014, 08:19 PM.


                Just turning the air con onto low.


                  Originally posted by Rags View Post
                  Have you started packing yet?
                  I can lend you some thermals and my Musto HPX ocean jacket what I bought when I wuz gunna
                  sail round the world but never did.

                  And pearls... are you taking your pearls?
                  I haven't even started writing my packing list yet. I can honestly say this is the least organised I've been for any trip, ever. I still have three thesis chapters and a statewide workforce strategy to deliver before I can properly think of such frivolities. At this rate I'll be stuffing a pair of long johns, a beanie and a parka into a Woolies bag as I head out the door.

                  That's a seriously cool jacket Raggsy and thanks for the offer but I think I'll be OK. I have an old expedition jacket that I can use if I don't have time to get anything else.
                  There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                  You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                  I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                    Originally posted by Glass Half Empty View Post
                    I haven't even started writing my packing list yet. I can honestly say this is the least organised I've been for any trip, ever. I still have three thesis chapters and a statewide workforce strategy to deliver before I can properly think of such frivolities. At this rate I'll be stuffing a pair of long johns, a beanie and a parka into a Woolies bag as I head out the door.

                    That's a seriously cool jacket Raggsy and thanks for the offer but I think I'll be OK. I have an old expedition jacket that I can use if I don't have time to get anything else.
                    That's a lot of work to squeeze in Glassy. You need a holiday!

                    Make sure you wear your pearls.
                    Saw the pics from Mr Rags' brother.
                    Lots and lots of snow and chinstrap penguins and a couple of seals.


                      Where is everyone?


                        Originally posted by Reggie
                        Jumps off horse ..tumble weed rolling down main Street crow lands on Niceys House steeple ..and crows Cark ..Cark .. it....Every ones left Undie town Raggsey.... Missy and Frog have checked into a 30 day Internet rehab .....Mr G and Bridgey have gone .."bush" ..they will be back when they have stopped screwing.....around that is...Aspy is a snake god ......Happy is just beautiful and I have been sailing my arse off ..I have Gunnal bum to prove it ( google it).....Any way Nicey and Cakes had to fill in for Santa on Chrissy eve ..since the silly old bugger got pissed was up to them to spread joy and love all over the world ..bless them ( they were on emergency call out) apparently Sanatas Hangover could bring a tear to a (Rudolfs) glass eye ..( bet cha didn't know Rudolf has a Glass eye ( left one) got in a bar fight with a rouge Elfie..he didn't think the little turd was serious when he said " ill take ya eye out you red nosed prick" moving on

                        Happy Holidaze ...such beautiful weather in Ole Melbourne Town one of those action camera thingamabobs first you tube upload ye ha!!! vexcited.......very boring though..... for non sailors...any way this Reg person sailing out for what was just a very peaceful ..soothing day..hours of it pure bliss......I tried to pan around a bit but you can see Melbourne in the back ground
                        Enjoy the videos and music that you love, upload original content and share it all with friends, family and the world on YouTube.

                        hope you are all happy and doing the best you can do. Enjoy ( special mention Glassy me dear ya wont see warm sailing daze like this but I am so jealous of your upcoming adventure on the LRB i think you are wonderful for subjecting yourself to such a adventure best to you

                        Lotsa Love to all Undies mentioned and not... Regxx00
                        Captured. The elusive Reginald.


                          Hanging in there Reg. Watching Die Hard XXXXXXX number whatever on free to air too...all these stations and most of them selling shit...

                          Hope you're well, big mwah. Back to bedski...


                            Hmmm....looks like I lost my post, so sorry if this turns up twice.

                            I was saying I love your clip Reggie. And also what device did you get?

                            And asking Happy whether you've finished your treatment now? I hope so, lovely girl. xx
                            There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                            You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                            I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                              Hi lovely Undiies! I'm out for the count. Grandson broke his leg. They've moved to my house because their's is two level and too hard to manage the cartage of the child. I'm at a local shopping centre drinking bad coffee.

                              Love your story Reggie - and you of course!

                              If anyone has a beam 'em up machine gadget, activate it now! I'll sit really still and ensure I have no flies on me......

                              Happy NYE eve xxxx
                              It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                              Mother Theresa


                                I hope you don't delete Reg. It's a valid point and I understand where you're coming from. X

                                Glassy, finished treatment Christmas Eve. Had a double dose last Monday. All good apart from a few blisters and bloody fatigue. This to shall pass :-)

